Friends and Talks

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It has been a couple of days since the Brits and Taylor kept getting messages from Calvin. She tried to answer like she would answer any of her friends, trying to tell herself that she was not interested, that she was not attracted. In reality, every time her phone buzzed and there was a text message from Calvin her heart would skip a beat and she would get excited.

Karlie came around for a afternoon of girl talk. She was trying to have a serious conversation with Taylor but the girl kept looking over at her phone and smiling each time she got a text message.

" Like I was saying, I think that it is time for me to try to spend more time with Josh before starting classes at NYU, I mean I will be so full and... Tay, are you even listening to me ?" The model asked when she saw her friend staring at the screen of her iphone.

" What? I am sorry Karlie, I just keep getting text messages from Adam and I can't get him out of my mind" Taylor blushed and looked down.

"Sweetie, I think it is time for you to give yourself another chance when love is concerned" Karlie said while looking at Taylor shake her head.

" I can't Kar... I mean I don't want to go back to be the joke of every award show again... I am finally in a place where I am happy by myself. I don't want that to change" Karlie gave Taylor a sad smile

" But ... I know that there is a but" Karlie said softly to Taylor as she sighed

" I really like him... I have known him for three days but he is so sweet and funny, he makes me..." In that moment, Taylor got another text from Calvin

" I hope you like them" was all the message said, and in that moment the door bell rang. Taylor opened the door to find her security with a bouquet of roses, a box of chocolates and a card.

" These just got delivered to you, I think they are from someone named Adam" said her security as Taylor thanked him.

Karlie was seating there waiting for Taylor to return. When she saw Taylor with the roses in her hand Karlie squealed and screamed " He has a really big crush on you!! You have to give him a chance"

Taylor blushed and her phone buzzed again, this time a call. Karlie and Taylor both rushed to the phone and tried to get it a the same time. Taylor got it first and answered it saying " Ssshhh" to Karlie.

"Hey Adam!" Karlie got closer and tried to listen to the conversation, she kept whisper screaming " invite him to your house for coffee"

" Hi Tay... I hope you received the flowers" he said, he sounded nervous. She could picture him scratching the back of his neck, a nervous habit she had noticed when they had hanged out at the Brits.

Taylor smiled and blushed " I have, Thank you so much Adam. But what are they for?" she knew that there wasn't any special reason but she wanted to see what he could come up with.

" Consider them a late congratulation for the Brit" he said making her smile. She knew he was a smooth talker but she found his excuse really sweet.

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