Chapter 5:.....Empathy Part I

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"To reiterate what we've learned today, kids, if someone offers you some illegal substances, what do you say?" asked Officer McSweeny as he addressed Ember's fifth-grade class, hoping they had all been paying attention.

"Please sur can I have sum' more!" shouted one of the boys in the back of the classroom.

"Very funny, but this is serious. You should never under any circumstances take drugs if they are offered." stated the Officer with as much authority as possible.

"So, we should just steal them?!" shouted another boy in the back of the room.

"All right, I see from your loud outbursts that you want to go to recess, and I will let you go early if none of you have any questions or want to bring any issues up," stated Officer McSweeny sternly.

"Before you go, Officer McSweeny," interrupted Morgan as she quickly raised her hand, "can you tell us about that lady that we see sometimes wandering around town. She's an older woman; she has kind of a hunchback, always wears a purple coat, doesn't seem to have a home, and when it rains, she wears plastic bags on her feet. Is she all right? Is there anything we can do to help her? She just seems so sad." prodded Morgan.

"I'm afraid there is nothing we can do for her. Although she was born into a wealthy family, poor Melinda chose to be homeless. She has never known a home." frowned Officer McSweeny gravely.

"That's so sad." sighed Morgan. "Can't something be done for her though? Like taking her to a homeless shelter?"

"I'm afraid many officers have tried and failed to convince her to do so. She is just an unfortunate person who wants to wander around and dwell in her own little world." grimaced Officer McSweeny even more seriously now.

"Are you really sure she chose to live like that? Why would anyone choose that?" asked Morgan. "I am indeed sure. She is a distant relative of two students who attend this school. As I said, she comes from a wealthy family. They tried as they could to help her become a contributing member of society, but Melinda made her choice a long time ago. Let us hope you all make better ones than her. Now, it's off to recess with you!" Officer McSweeny boomed.

"Yaaaaaaay!!!" Pretty much everyone screamed as they ran out the door. Officer McSweeny followed them after a few minutes until only Ember and Morgan remained in the classroom.

"It's so sad. I don't understand why someone would just live on the streets when they have a family and money." Morgan pondered.

"Maybe that's not the whole story," suggested Ember. "I mean, that's only what Officer McSweeny has been told by others. Based on how Josh is, I don't think the Edenfields are all that great. I have a feeling that I would have made a similar choice if I was Melinda, and maybe you would have too." frowned Ember. "Maybe what she did was the best thing for herself."

"How do you know he was talking about the Edenfields?" asked Morgan.

"Duh – 'wealthy family' – who else could it be in this town?" smiled Ember.

"Yeah, I guess you're right. It's still really messed up, though," said Morgan, looking down. "Hey, it's ok. I doubt there's anything you can do." Ember said to reassure her. "You're always concerned for others even if there's no way you can help them. Sometimes I think you're too sweet for this world," said Ember with a smile. Morgan smiled at the compliment, and Ember and Morgan walked to recess arm-in-arm.

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