Chapter 17:....Enmity

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"Tell me, human, what new information have you brought me?" The loud voice boomed over the speakers of a hologram projector.

"Commander Maahes, I bring news about the only one of interest to you: Ms. Empowered," Larry said as he knelt before a giant orange projected image of the alien warlord.

"And what of that blight on the universe?" The fearsome tyrant snarled with his sharp teeth.

"She caused an incident in town not that long ago. All humans within a fifty-mile radius were struck with an apparent passionate attraction to or adoration for those they previously felt strong feelings of love or hatred for. I was not affected because such feelings escape me; however, one of my allies – a young man was not so lucky to escape. I've studied him meticulously over the past few weeks, and I can replicate the effect." Larry grinned.

"And why are you bothering me with this? I see no reason why I would care." Maahes sighed, bored with this apparent waste of his time.

"Once the passionate attraction infects the victim, it overtakes them - mind and body – very similar to but much more powerful than the suggestion that Extant Corporation employs, and what's even more interesting is if you deny the affected, the object of their attraction," he said evilly, "they turn hostile and attack anyone they perceive as getting in the way."

"I see," Maahes said. "And you say you can replicate this – this – what would you call this affect?" 

"Enmity." Larry grinned. "I can reproduce the effect so that the more positive feelings of admiration, love, and devotion are bypassed into those of acrimony, malice, and violence – immediately, well, of course, it takes a bit of time to set in and affects each subject differently, but eventually each and every one who is exposed becomes a ball of burning enmity."

"Hah! You humans - so controlled by your emotions. It's disgusting, really." Maahes laughed and then sighed. "Well then, send me the information like a dutiful little pet."

"Yes, commander. Right away. And will you –?" Larry asked in the most kiss-ass way possible.

"Yes, of course. All that you require will be sent to you as agreed upon." Maahes said, shooing his groveling away. "Now, get to work sending me the information I will need for my next project, and while you do so, tell me more of what you animals are capable of under this 'enmity'?" Maahes smiled with his razor-sharp teeth.


"What the fuck is your problem, man?!" Johnny shouted at the other student who had intentionally and forcefully run his shoulder into him in the hallway as he passed by.

"You're my problem," said Roy, who turned around and scowled (of course it's him).

"I haven't done anything to you. Why do you always have to be like this?! What's wrong with you?!" Johnny challenged him furiously.

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