Chapter 7:.....Epic

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"What do you mean I'm grounded'!?!" Ember shouted at Dr. Wells and Abraham. After her training session that current day, Alpha Squad had swiftly left the room, and Dr. Wells and Abraham had descended upon her like a plague of locusts determined to ruin her good mood.

"Try to understand sweetie. I know it's no fun, but, well, Abie?" Dr. Wells tried and failed to laugh the situation off.

"Ms. Crimson, you have to learn your actions have consequences," Abraham stated in his usual calm, cool, and authoritative voice.

"You think I don't know they do!?! I know why I've been locked in this fucking dungeon for over the past three years. I know when I walk up on that surface, I'm a fucking bomb waiting to go off. I know much more and deal with much more than any fourteen-year-old girl should! I never asked for this! I just want to have a normal life." Ember spat out loudly and angrily, which quickly subsided into sadness.

"Ms. Crimson, we are not currently discussing your duties as an anomaly. We are discussing your unresponsiveness and your increasing inability to attend scheduled training sessions." Abraham stated again in his calm, cool, and authoritative voice.

"So, this isn't about the wreckage I leave when fighting those giant alien space monsters, the Yakuza, or whatever the Gromet was? It's about me being an irresponsible teenager? Also, Abie, I would like to point out that you said 'dooties,' haha!" Ember smirked, perking up now.

"That is correct." Abraham sighed.

"Sweetie, I know you want to be your own person and have a life upstairs, but remember you're up there on the condition that you can learn to control yourself." Dr. Wells said, trying to improve the situation by smiling, but it was clearly not working.

"You know I'm a fucking teenager, right? You know my kind is prone to irresponsibility and what is commonly referred to as 'bitchy-ness,' right"? Ember asked confused.

"Yes, we are well aware of what teenagers are like." sighed Abraham with an actual sense of irritation in his voice. "But you are not a typical teenager. You said so yourself. You know why we have kept you in this facility for over the past three years. You know your powers are dangerous and must be controlled. You know you have responsibilities, and we expect you to adhere to these things always, not just when you feel like it. You need to learn that your actions have consequences, even if things seem fine, and that no one will get hurt when you make a less-than-responsible decision. Spending time away from the surface will allow you to think about this truth of your existence."

"Well, Abie, I guess I can't argue with my keeper and all, but let me just ask you – how am I supposed to try to have a normal life up on the surface when I have to deal with all this shit?" Ember half-exclaimed, half-asked.

"You aren't. " Abraham said. His eyes became steely when he spoke, and his voice grew graver. "You are only up there to deal with threats and to observe why this corporation is dedicated to protecting. You are not there to get attached. You are only there to serve. Remember: exist to protect and – "

"Protect as a means to exist," Ember said dejectedly.

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