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And that's the end of this long and fucked up story. I know, right? I bet you weren't expecting the main character to just get destroyed like that after all of that build-up and character development and everything. But don't you love a long-drawn-out story without any sort of payoff whatsoever? Not to mention that so many questions are likely still buzzing around in your head – like, is Morgan really dead? Will her parents get her back one day? Would Morgan being alive completely change Ember's outlook on her role as Empowered?

Regarding attraction, what's the deal with Ember and Roy anyway? Is she attracted to him? Or maybe she's attracted only to a version of him that exists in her mind? Also, it seemed to be revealed that Roy killed his mother. Is that true, and is that why he's so messed up? What about Ember and Kelli giving a new definition to the word 'jailbait'? I mean, Kelli is verging on twenty years old, and last time I checked, Ember is still below the age of consent, even in New Jersey. Not to mention the fact that Kelli is a member of Alpha Squad whose job is supposed to be to kill Ember if she should lose control, not that they could succeed if they tried. Well, maybe Sabby could. So, is Ember into Kelli, and for that matter, does she like women in addition to men?

Oh yeah, what about Ember's relationship with Sabby? It seemed like she almost respected Ember a little bit back there in the last chapter - almost - because it's obvious she hates Ember and would love to kill her. Is it possible that that would ever change? When Ember made Sabby relive one of her worst memories, Sabby almost seemed like a sympathetic character with a tragic backstory. Is this story why Sabby sucks so much? What is that backstory?

Considering tragic backstories, questions about Itami and his boss come up. Itami's a pretty messed up dude, but I think anyone who watched their mother gunned down right in front of them would be pretty messed up. What's the deal with him, his boss, the Yakuza, and his sword? Do they have some kind of connection to Ember's powers? It's pretty clear that Itami has powers, but who's pulling his strings? Who is his boss?

Turning to potential friends for Ember, what about Jenny? Is there a way she could return to Edenic Point, or is she gone for good? Did Jenny really get away with killing Melinda, or how about betraying Ember to Larry? It seems like she still has a lot to answer for. By extension, what about all the other people in Edenic Point? Like Mona suggested, are there other enhanced people living in town that have yet to be revealed?

That reminds me, what about Mona? Is she going to stay locked up in the looney bin forever? Is Ember's dad going to be asleep and in jail forever? Also, Ember has a living brother, Zayne, but he hasn't really made much of an appearance; where is he? That brings up other questions about Ember's family. Her middle name is "Jacala," which is also apparently her aunt's name. However, Ember seems to suffer from amnesia and doesn't remember her aunt. Why?

And what about Ember's whole connection to Erebos? Could he and his cronies bust out of that dark dimension she trapped them in? Speaking of Erebos, he masquerades as her cousin in one chapter and then appears as her brother in a dream. Is there a deeper connection between the two? And his one companion, Allan, she called Ember an "oddsoul." What the fuck is that?

Not to mention that there is a vague and esoteric connection between humans, anomalies, and the Entire. Similarly, Ember seems to share a vague and esoteric connection with her sword, M.W., and BEE- BEE, what's up with all of that? How are they all connected, and why? And, a big question of this story: will Emeber ever be able to control her powers?

Let's consider some of the assholes of the story. Maahes and Larry for two. Are they both truly defeated, or could they come back? Speaking of assholes, what's with Josie? Did Ember actually put her in her place in that last chapter? Judging by the trajectory she was headed on before that, the answer would be 'probably not,' but who knows!

Oh, that's right, I do because I'm telling this story, but you sure don't! Anyway, just take a moment and think about all those questions and other questions I've failed to address here, and now dwell on the fact that you're never going to get an answer because Ember/Empowered's dead, and the story's over.

Kidding. Imagine me, your narrator, flipping you the bird right now just like that. Of course, she's not dead yet, and this long and fucked up story isn't remotely finished. Of course, it will be getting substantially longer and more fucked up. In truth, this is only the beginning of a painful and seemingly endless tragedy for Ember, but don't worry, I'm sure there will be laughs along the way. So, readers, I hope you enjoyed this partially complete tale but not too much! Until next time!

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