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There's this pressure on my chest
Like someone smothering my will
And the expanse of my lungs
With their suffocating presence

Thick and oppressive
Burning me, like acid
Acrid, you leave a bitter taste
In my mouth

A sickness that makes my skin itch
I want to rip myself apart
Just to temper the discomfort
The wrongness of existing

You feed the terrified child in me
The one who so blindly trusted
In the safety of your familiarity
The one you tore choice and power from

Now I'm tethered to the past and to you
Chained to your presence
You're the ghost that haunts me
The figment that creeps in unbidden
Turning my world inside out

You still hold all the power, even now
I feel imprisoned by the consent you stole from me
To you I'm just a pretty puppet, a rag doll

But I was the prey
And you, were the predator

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