Falling Forever

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But you're not here
And I'm over there
On the edge of a cliff
And the rain

Drenched my hair

It's despair
And it won't go away
And it's pain
That my heart
Can't take

It can't take
Another beating
It's cold
And it shatters
And I'm scared
That you'll drop me

I can't break again

The pieces
Won't go back together
It's hollow now
All the pieces of me

Have fallen out

Every time I try
To collect them up
I can't tell
What pieces are mine
And what are yours

I can't recognise
My reflection in the shards

You're not here
And I'm over there
The precipe is calling
And I don't seem to care

Because I'm use to falling

I'm comfortable with drowning
To tread water is a strength
My bones can't bear
They ache

And it's cold again
And you're not here
And this cliff face
Has never seemed so sheer

It calls me here
I never
Hear from you anyway
So I may as well
Watch the swell of the ocean
And wonder what it feels like

To fall

I'm certain now
That the cigarette burns
You left on my heart
Won't ever heal

But still
Everyone steals
All the things I've kept
Close to my chest
On open sails

You're not here
And I'm over there
And the edge is calling
I'm trapped in falling


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