Fading Earth

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The soul sways with the rhythm of life
Look closer see the scars of the Earth
Heaven's a distant speck
From so far down

Here we lay
Explorers enrapt by the sky
Dreamers chained to the dirt
We long to discover
But we are
A long way from home

Ships wander the ocean
Lap and pull, the currents eddy
Its grip enticing
We are waves, moved by
Song and stellar wonder
Pull me closer
I'm fading in the dark

Songs stretch from distant lands
Yearning to find
Waiting, we hide
And yet the heart beats in time
To a sound and a tune
From long since adieu

Let's explore the outer reaches
The inner turmoil
Let's find the light
At the end of the tunnel
The world is endless

The sky limitless

Ah, what a dream to be free

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