The Ghosts Of Summer's Past (PROSE)

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When night kills the sun in its bitter glare. This woe that has never felt so close. It drowns me, sinking in the stillness of this sea of ebony. I cannot breathe but I am screaming (at least beneath the sea no one can hear me).

Will you come to me in my dreams to tell me you reached heaven?

The cab was free, courtesy of God and the queue was directed by a shepard towards a bright star. Are you happy, seated in the clouds? Did God tell you why he took you from Earth? From us? Does he hear our suffering?

For your sake, I hope he's real. For your sake, I'll believe he's real. But your light is fading here. We're all fading here in your absense. But in time we will be okay. In time we can learn to accept.

But we will never forget.

The heart never forgets.

My head will never forget.

Rest In Peace.

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