
162 4 18

Couldn't find the tag on pinterest for the chapter's pic :(

Tw: usage of slurs, homophobia, mentions of blood.


Karl disrupted the embrace and cupped my cheek with his hand.
"I'm sorry...we can't love each other." he said in a choked whisper.

"Oh Karl, people will kill us if they get to know. But what would life be if love was forbidden? We'll have to hide it and it's gonna be tough, but just let me be with you, please. You're the only thing i'm seeking for."
he smiled but quickly suppressed it.
"It's not that. I just got a letter."
I furrowed my brows as his hand left my face to dig in his pocket, finding the piece of paper he took earlier.
He gave it to me almost hesitantly.

Dear Mr. Jacobs, we are more than glad to let you know that we reviewed your content and are interested in giving you a job as a voice for our events.
We hope your ability at singing will fufill our wishes, and that our collaboration will satisfy yours.
After a one year trial period in our main establishment in Charleston, North Carolina, you will be granted of a tour around all the 48 states of America.
Please send a letter to inform us of your decision.
We will send you details once and if you our request gets accepted.

Best wishes from Nevadas' Legacy.

"What is this?"
I took my eyes off of the letter to find his gaze.

"A few months ago I started exhibiting in different taverns so people could hear my voice, and one day a man named Quackity approached me.
He told me he saw my talent and wanted to hire me as his singer for his casino company.
Him and his crew were there on tour, and proposed me to have his music producer record a vinyl of my songs so once they were back they could share it with their company to decide if i fufilled their standards, and he then asked for my address to later send me a letter telling me if i got the job or not.
I guess I did, but that also means I need to move out to North Carolina, and who knows where next. I can't make you follow me around the world, Sapnap."

I furrowed my brows, perplexed and a little bit hurt.
"Why did i never get to know this? I mean, that's a lot of stuff. You usually tell me everything."
He looked down, his eyes full of guilt.
"I didn't wanna give you or myself false hope. I really just thought it was a tipsy man bluffing or that he would just forget, so i never really told anyone.
I'm sorry if that hurt you."

I stayed silent a few seconds.
"Then why did you confess your love?"
"Why did you tell me knowing it wouldn't work anyways?"
It took all my strength not to cry, my eyes swelling with tears.
"I never thought you would actually feel the same. I thought even if you started hating me or feel disgusted by my mere presence it wouldn't have lasted long anyways."

"The day i met you was the first one."
he looked at me confused.
"The day i met you was the first one i started liking you. I felt so drunk by your presence and perfume i couldn't do anything but wanting more of it. I looked for you since then. I looked for you in the grass tickling my bare skin, the sun warming me up, the waves hitting my legs, the wind caressing my face, the flowers'scent kissing my nose. You're everything i want."

He studied my face, starting from my hair, my eyes, my nose, my lips.
His hand reached my neck, the other on my cheek, caressing my lips with his thumb.

"I wanted to talk to you for weeks. I first saw you enter the greenhouse with my grandma while i was potting a Lily" he said carefully. "...but i was too shy to go and talk to you. I waited days and hoped to see you, daydreaming of what it would have been like to be your friend. I thought you were the most handsome guy i'd ever seen, and i still do. When you got close to me and asked me to talk about the flowers i was planting a week later, i thought i completely lost my head for you. I wanted to see you again and again, untill i couldn't remember my name anymore because i was too used to pronounce yours."

My hands gripped his waist as our lips connected.
It was a kiss full of lust and desire, neglecting of the whole situation for his touch.

"I know a place"

I took his hand and stood up waiting for him.
We walked down the hill and through the valley, stopping at a river.
We stood in front of a waterfall, our bare feet dipped in the cool water.
I briefly looked at him, his hand still in mine.
"Do you trust me?"
He looked at me squinting his eyes.
"Do you trust me?" I repeated.
"Yeah?" He responded hesitantly, almost as if it were a question.
"Then run with me."
"What are you talking about, we're gonna slam against the r-"
I gripped his hand tigher and started sprinting against the running water.

We stopped in front of a quarry behind the waterfall, breathing heavily and a little bit wet.
"What is this place?"
The sun reflected through the water illuminating the small cave, a big rock in the middle of the space.
"This" i said straightening my posture "is were i spend most of my time."
You could hear the strong water fall behind, forcing us to raise our voices.

"Gosh, this is gorgeous. I'm a little jealous you didn't show me this before."
His voice echoed, bouncing on the humid rocks.
"Well" i said inching to his body "i think i'm the only one that knows about this, and i wanted to keep it that way..." my lips stayed close to his ears, my voice lowering.
I kept a hand rested on his chest, his back was touching the wall behind him "but i thought it was a good place for us to spend our time."

His ears flushed a pink tint, clearly picking up on the sexual underlines of the sentence.
He took me by surprise and grabbed my wrists to cross them on top of my head, turning my body against the cold rock.
"Ooh, freaky." I said with a smug smile.
"Shut the fuck up."

He kissed me passionately, our bodies moving together. One of his hands grabbed the hem of my shirt, lifting it to explore my body.
The connection broke, giving me the chance to take my upper clothes off.
This time, his lips traveled down to my neck, sucking it to leave purple spots on my fair skin.
Soft whimpers escaped my mouth as he left a trail of marks on my whole body.

He knelt down and reached my groin, slightly lowering my pants and kissing my v-line softly. He looked at me asking for permission, and i put a hand on top of his head, looking at him, droplets of water sliding down from his eyebrows.

"Karl I want you."


We stayed cuddled against a rock, him playing with my hair.
"You know I can't come with you" I said, pausing. "I need to take care of my brothers, they're too young to be left alone."
His hand stopped twisting my locks.
"I know" he said in a whisper.
I took his palms in mine, trying to comfort him.
"I promise you" I lifted his chin with my pointer and thumb "I will send you letters every week."
He quickly gave me a peck on the lips.
"I wanna spend my time with you before i leave."
I softly smiled as i stood up.
"Let's go" I said reaching my hand out to him.


We walked together, lightly brushing our hands against each other.
I gathered up some courage and linked our pinkies, blushing in the act.

"Faggots" someone mumbled passing by.

My eyes shot open, filled with blind rage.
"What the fuck did you just say?" I half screamed, reaching to turn him by the shoulders.

"You heard me, pussy."
He smiled cockily, his fists tightening.

"Sapnap ignore him." Karl put a hand on my arm, trying to refrain me from beating the absolute shit out of him.
I put my hand on top of his and moved it away, telling him to back off.

"You fucking perverts deserve to get shot one by one."

My knuckles blindly smashed against his nose, blood dripping from it.

I shoved him and watched him trip on a rock behind him, making him fall on his back.


1469 words.


anyways sorry for the wait, i wanted to make sure this chapter was written so that the story could flow naturally, so i worked on it a little more.

Btw, Nevadas' Legacy was formed canonically after the fall of Las Nevadas :).

(Fun fact, it said "all 48 states" in the letter because at that time two of them weren't part of the USA yet. :> )

I hoped yall enjoyed my little crumble munchers :D

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