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@weldywonder on pinterest for chapter's icon!

"What. what." I groaned squinting my eyes, an immediate feeling of soreness invading my whole body. I turned around and saw Dream tap my shoulder and George stand by his side as he was giggling idiotically.
"It's about to rain. We have to leave and find repair."
He exclaimed, his tone serious but with an underline of sarcasm in his manners.
I nodded and lazily got up, rubbing my sleepy eyes and yawning quite loudly.
Once i finished, i froze immediately noticing Karl sitting with his knees up to his chest and his pale fingers pressed on his temple, a painful expression plastered on him.

"Hey, are you okay?" I worriedly asked as i leaned closer to him.
He winced at my words, making me internally curse myself for being so loud. I muttered a sorry and kneeled down to stamp a quick peck on his forehead, standing back up immediately after.
I offered my hand for him to support himself as he hesitantly stood up as well so we could start gathering our things and walk back home.
"We're going to my house. It's the closest and I can get him something for the hangover." I told Dream as I held my bike next to me and walked out of the beach, my volume low.

"yeah, alright." He mumbled clearing his voice, a slight smile appearing as his sight met George who walked besides him.
A droplet of rain hit my cheekbone.
I looked up, immediately spotting dark-gray clouds hovering above our heads.
A few more dropped staining the ground, and just moments later the delicate drizzle turned into pouring rain.
We took our jackets off to shield ourselves and started running towards the nearest cover.
I observed the now wet dirt road I stepped on, careful not to trip on the rocks stuck in the soil.
I let myself drown in the marvelous earthy scent the water left as it met the ground, a slight breeze caressing my uncovered skin.
I looked up, then instinctively moved my attention to my right.
Karl ran close to me, but contrary to all of us he didn't hold anything to cover himself up with.
His hair started wetting more and more and his brunette locks stuck on his red tinted face, where wet lips stood slightly apart and drops of water hung onto them for dear life.
His shirt adhered to his torso, making his whole body incredibly visible.
My gaze stayed fixed onto him until he eventually noticed, his head turning in my direction.

"Huh?" He mumbled, his lips curving upwards.
"I uh-" I stuttered looking in front of me to hide the blush creeping up my face.
I lowered my coat and handed it to him.
"Use this." I suggested raising my eyebrows as our steps got faster.
He adorably grinned and thanked me, and i had to tighten the grip on my bike to refrain myself from kissing him right there.

We stopped in front of a cafè that had a small roof on its porch.
"We can't do this without an umbrella, we're gonna get a cold." George cried.
"Well..." Dream sang, immediately looking at me.
I reciprocated and grinned, already knowing where this was going to end.
"Alright." I accepted.

Both I and dream put our jackets on, then
we entered the structure making sure our hands were hidden under them.
As we noticed the umbrella stand, we turned to face it and got carefully close to shield it from everyone's view.
I bit my lip to refrain laughter as we put our imaginary umbrellas in the stand and walked up to the counter.
"Do you make donuts that are snow white but dark, a little bit yellow with no yellow with black sprinkles but without any?"
Dream spat with a cocky expression, making the young man across the counter stop on his tracks and drop his jaw.
"Sorry what?" He asked putting his lips in a thin line and blinking a few times, absolutely stunned.
"I said," He remarked pretentiously, "I want my white-dark-yellow-blue-black-not-really-black donuts. Do you have them or not?" He spat in what seemed a millisecond.

His gaze leaped from him to me. "I'm afraid we don't, no." He slowly responded, clearly confused.
Clay sighed and turned around dramatically.
"Let's go, this place is useless." He cried, his tone as fake as it could get.
We grabbed two umbrellas and got out.

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