Not how It looks like

139 4 13

@iberge12 on pinterest for chapter pic :>

TW: Smoking, mentions of self harm, lime smut :)

My head shot up from his, adrenaline rushing through my whole body.
I felt Karl stir under me, a yawned "what is it?" leaving his lips.
He then looked at the door, his eyes widening.
"Sh- Grandma hi!" He said quickly sitting up as he smiled terrified.

"Hello Karl...and Sapnap." She added with a slight smile. "Did you guys eat? What brings him in here?"
"He um walked me home and decided to cook some pasta. Sorry for not telling you but you were outside."
He explained, nervousness still lingering in his tone.
I got up and fixed my clothes.
"Hi Mrs Jacobs." I waved awkwardly. She softly smiled in response.
"Well, I'm making some tea," She informed, holding the doorknob. "feel free to join me." She offered, leaving the door closed behind her.

As soon as she left the room a sigh of relief escaped Karl's mouth.
"Well," I said, looking at him. "At least we weren't having sex." I shrugged, a grin plastered on me.
"Sapnap you're so gross!" He accused as he slapped my shoulder, his face as red as a tomato.

"Cmon, I'll have some tea and go to my brothers."

A beautifully painted porcelain tea set sat on top of the table, some steam still dancing in the air from the kettle.
"We were thinking about going out with Clay and George tomorrow," Karl started before carefully sipping on his cup.
"And we wanted to sleep outside with them, can we leave the kids here so they have a sleepover?" His eyes scanned her, silently begging for approval.

"Sure thing honey, I'll take care of them." She responded, adding some honey to her drink.
She looked at me, gesturing to ask if i wanted some. I denied politely and thanked her for the thoughtfulness.

I looked at Karl to find his gaze already linger on me. He smiled sweetly and i returned it, a warm feeling storming all over my chest.

I put my shoes on and thanked Mrs. Jacobs before opening the front door and exiting the house, Karl following right behind.
"I'll see you tomorrow, yeah?" I said, an endeared smile on my face as he carefully wiped a hair off of my shirt.

I opened my arms to hug him, and as he did i felt him lean in to grab something.
He took the newspaper from the mailbox next to the door and opened it, shielding our faces with it so no one could see us.

He then put a hand behind my neck and brought me in a kiss, making butterflies fly all over my stomach.
I grabbed on his waist and kissed him a few more times, not even noticing the smile plastered on my face.
"Go now, don't make your brothers wait." He said as he distanced himself, slightly pushing me so i would move.
I waved at him giggling as I started walking towards Dream's house.


My fist knocked on the cold wood of the door, a few seconds passing by before i watched it open in front of me.
"Oh, hi Sap." Said a smiling George as he fixed his shirt, a few purple spots slightly peeking from the neck of it.
I slightly furrowed my brows and smiled, trying to hold back a scoff.
"What happened to your n-"
"George, Jesus" Dream gasped flustered, shoving him away from the front door.
"Hey um," Said the blond, pinching the bridge of his nose. "I'll umh- I'll call your brothers."
I nodded, internally rolling my eyes as i noticed a book held down dream's crotch.

Three kids ran down the stairs as their name was called.
My brother Ranboo wore black sunglasses upside-down, while Bill had a black and red bandana on his head.
The shortest, Clay's brother, was clothed in his characteristic black and yellow striped sweater that always reminded me of a bee.

"What are you both wearing?" I asked scoffing as I ruffled my middle brother's hair.
"It's called fashion, brother!" Ranboo exclaimed under my hand as he crossed his arms in pride.
"Yeah, Fashion!" Echoed the other.
"Alright, Alright. Now let's go."
I accomodated, gently shoving them out of the porch.
"Bye Tubbo!" Said the two in sync.
"Bye guys!" Responded the other waving.

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