Heal me

153 3 16

@lara_aesthetics on pinterest for chapter's icon :)

Tw: homophobia, blood, lime content(?)

I didn't hear a single word.
As if my legs moved themselves, I started kicking him on his stomach, gasps and groans of pain escaping his lips.
He was curled up, his hands protectively grasping on his torso trying to shield himself.
I stopped, waiting for a reason to kick him again mercilessly.
He held himself up with his elbow, his other hand covering up the spots i hit.

"You're all going to go to hell, lurid bastards" He said glaring.
I sucked in a deep breath to obtain myself from punching the absolute shit out of him.

"Which one takes it in the ass, huh?"

"I bet it's that fucking twink of your boyfriend, That pussy isn't even defending you."

I instinctively jumped on his neck, choking him with as much force i had.

"Take my boyfriend out of your filthy fucking mouth." I warned him through gritted teeth, my head spinning from the adrenaline pumping in my body.

He stared at me wide eyed for a few seconds, his mouth drooling and his face growing more and more red.
He then smashed his head onto mine, causing me to fall to my side, grunting in pain.

He positioned himself on top of me, tightening his hands on my neck until i struggled to breathe.
"I'll kill you one by one" He murmured with a petty smile, his saliva and blood falling from his face to mine.

My vision got quickly cloudy, sparkles dancing everywhere my eyes looked.
I was slipping in and out of consciousness, and my only thought was having to leave without Karl next to me.
Will this be the last face i'll see?
Do i really wanna die now?

A boy ran up to us screaming, a boulder held up his head in both his hands.


A blood curdling scream left Karl's mouth, the stone he was holding falling on the ground.

His body laid next to mine.

His eyes stared cold into my own as i watched the shine fade away from them.

I quickly sat up, the sudden movement making my head spin a little bit.
I checked his pulse, begging God he wasn't actually dead.

My fingers left his neck trembling.

"He's alive." I whispered, still shook by the whole situation.

Karl's knees ceased, a thud on the grassy ground.
"Jesus Christ." He whispered breathlessly, his voice watery.

I immediately got up and ran up to him, hugging him as tight as possible.
"it's okay. You're okay."

Silent cries turned into sobs, his hands gripping on my waist for dear life.

"Sapnap I- I-m" He gasped, hyperventilating. "It's my fault, and I'm so, so sorry." I interrupted him, passing a hand in his hair to reassure him.
I kneeled down and looked at his red, puffy eyes. "I'm so sorry honey. I'm so sorry."

"Is this a punishment from God? "

I cupped his cheeks and kissed his forehead, immediately pulling him in another hug.
"We need to go before he gets up and warns someone." I told him, carefully watching the man laying before me.

I sighed and rubbed my eyes with trembling hands, trying to wipe away the adrenaline.

I helped Karl get up and protectively put my hand in front of his face, shielding him from the view.

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