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@katieshannondoa on pinterest for chapter's icon :>

Tw: Needle, blood, anxiety attack.

I laid on top of him, my hands grabbing on the walls of the tub and holding me slightly up although my legs and torso were completely soaked in the soapy water.

"You motherfucker!" I exclaimed bursting in laugher as he looked from under me.
"Wanna know what else i can fuck?" He teased.
"Shut up now!" I giggled, covering his mouth with the palm of my hand.
I felt something humid hit it.
"Jesus, you're disgusting!" i accused shouting as i retreated it and sat up.

He did the same and passed his fingers down my neck, slowly going down and stopping at my chest to start unbuttoning my shirt.
I just let him as i took off my belt, hoping its leather didn't get ruined. I then dropped it to the ground, followed by my shirt.
I leaned back, my arms resting on the walls of the tub.
Karl crawled up to my lap where he unzipped my pants and took them off with my boxers, both joining the pile of clothes laying on the floor.

He got even closer and started placing soft kissed on my jaw, then my neck, then all the way down to my torso.
Heat crawled up to my body, stopping at my cheeks.
"Jesus, how are you horny even hungover?" I groaned grabbing his hair and gently pulling his head back.

"That's hot." He muttered grinning, his eyes half lidded.
I couldn't help but laugh at how cheeky he could act.

My hand left his hair so i could lift his chin up with my index and thumb.
As i did a yawn escaped his mouth, him not even bothering to cover his lucid lips.
I giggled and kissed the tip of his nose.
"Let's just finish washing and then we can go to sleep." I suggested.
"Please!" He cried, letting himself fall on my chest. I gently scratched his head, chuckling as a muffled groan of satisfacion escaped his mouth against my skin.

I got out of the tub, the colder air immediately hitting my bare body and causing a quick shiver to run down my spine.
I leaped to the stool where the cloths laid, my feet only meeting the floor with their tips.
I quickly covered myself up, blushing as i realized Karl was devouring me with a look. It wasn't lustrous or pretentious, it just seemed like pure admiration, similar to one of a child observing traveling birds whiz through the sky.

"If you keep staring at me like that you'll end up consuming me." I teased, a nervous smile through my words.
He shuffled in the water, stopping at the edge of the tub and putting his elbows on its end, his face rested on his palms.
"You're just like art." He stated, his eyes burning with passion.
"What do you mean?" I titled my head, picking up the clothes scattered on the floor.

"Your beauty was born through the observation of the beautiful."
He took a breath in and fixed a few strands of hair behind his ear.
"Your smile, your eyes, your lips were the same someone fell in love with and gave to their children; just like painters admire the exquisite and gift it to their pictures."

I stopped and stood up, my eyes fixed on him and and a burning feeling in my chest.
"Every feature of yours carries a different love story." He slowly said, murmuring the last words as he looked down: "I hope we can read them together one day."

I let the clothes fall on the tiled ground and kneeled down in front of him, my hands cupping his cheek as i kissed him sweetly a few times as a thank you.
"You're gonna make me go mad Karl." I whispered against his lips.
he looked at me and furrowed his eyebrows.
"Every time i see you my whole soul aches because I know It's gonna be one time less before you will have to leave."
I distanced slightly, my hand still on his face.
"Oh, my love." He cried, reaching for my own.
I let him lead me back to himself, a slight frown on my face.
"I will visit you, I promise." He stated, decision in his tone.

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