Ferris Wheel

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@erinaschow on pinterest for the chapters pic ;)
Slight smut at the end of the chapter!!!

"What?" I breathed out, my heart skipping a beat.
"Is this better?" He hesitantly repeated, a confused look on his face.
"Oh, yeah. Thanks." I muttered, my gaze fixing on the pavement.
I turned around and started walking towards the living room when i felt his grasp on my arm.
"Are you sure you're all-right?" He asked tilting his head to the side.
"Yeah, sorry." I shook my head as my lips formed a thin line.
"Okay, just" He made sure i was looking at him. "I'm here for you." He assured, a small smile on his face.

I put everything in its place, not really caring about the half-sewn shirt.
I looked at the clock in the living room.
Four thirty-five.
"We're going out." I announced breaking the silence.
"Where?" Karl asked as he lifted his head from the couch.
"You'll see. Do you want to go to your house and change or do you wanna grab my clothes?"
"No, I like your clothes better." He muttered, a slight blush tinting his face red. I smiled, then gestured him to follow me.

We entered the bedroom, and while i finished tidying everything up he chose the clothes he wanted to wear.
He opted for navy blue pants and a white shirt. Quite simple i'd say, but exquisite on his body.
I got beige pants and a shirt with a light green tie which i losely hung around my neck.

As i began to tie my tie the bathroom door opened and Karl appeared from behind it, my clothes slightly baggy but nonetheless beautiful on him.
His elegance was astonishing, no matter what he wore. It wasn't something that his clothes gave him, it was what he gave them.
Anything looked perfect on him, charming, subtle yet unique.
I smiled for a couple seconds as my eyes memorized his figure leaned over the doorframe, so i could draw it in my mind once i missed it.

"Let me add the final touch." I said, immediately going to the wardrobe and grabbing a belt.
At first he started to follow me, then he stopped, simply observing me as i walked up to him and slipped the leather in the loops of his pants, my touch gentle but steady.
I let my hands linger on his waist and pulled him even closer to me.
Our breaths filled the hallway, the delicate exchange more intimate than any word could have been in that moment.

He dunk a hand in my hair, and his eyes dug into mine as they found the answer for any question the mankind could give itself.
I inched to his features, letting our noses slightly brush against the other.
I almost felt his heartbeat hammer in his ears.
He lowered his hands, resting his fingers on my tie and carefully tightening it.
As he finished i moved, gently pushing him backwards untill his back met the wall.
I was about to fill the gap between us when he looked down and sucked a cold breath in.

"We should start going." He murmured.
"Sorry" I said, a slight frown as i moved away.
His reaction burned on my back as it slipped through a cold shudder. Did i do something wrong? Am i too clingy? Did i annoy him? Maybe-
"Sap." He called at the end of the hallway, clearly waiting for me.
"Yes, sorry." I said lowering my hand and closing a fist.

I waited for him to get on the bike before speeding down my house, my thoughts whizzing in my head as the wind caressed my cheeks.
After several minutes of the ride he got bored, and the way he let me know was the worst he could have thought of.
I felt his hands travel up and down my torso, his fingers carefully exploring my body in a subtle way that made me go crazy.

From far away it was impossible to catch him, but i felt him everywhere.
I suddently ceased pedaling.
We were in the middle of a steppe field, and he was quick to notice it was certainly not our destination.

"Why did you stop?" He asked looking at me.
"Karl, I'm gonna have to ask you to interrupt what you are doing."
"And what am I doing?" He asked, and i could feel a hint of sarcasm in his words.
"Stop playing dumb, idiot. If you won't stop touching me like that I will go crazy.
"What if i don't?" He teased, his voice low.
I turned around so i could face him, then put a hand on his jaw, tilting it slightly.

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