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@T03090 on pinterest for chapters icon

Tw: Underage drinking, smoking, anxiety attack, gay people :0.

I raised my hands up to my chest.
"It- it's okay" I tried reassuring him as I shook them.
Dream looked at me with a blank expression.
His steps slowly but menacingly approached me, my feet instinctively going backwards.
My back met the trunk of another tree, and a surprised gasp left my lips.

"You know i love you, man." He said as he dug his eyes deep into my soul.
"But if you tell anybody," he paused with an illeggibile face, "And i mean anybody," he emphasized raising his eyebrows as his index finger pointed at my chest.
He came so close that his breath stung on my neck, my whole body stiffening.
I'll fucking kill you." He whispered.

My words got stuck in my throat.
"Look," I stuttered. He backed away but still kept his gaze fixed on me.
"I won't tell anybody, I swear." I promised.
"How do I know that you're not bluffing, huh?" He said slightly tilting his head up and crossing his arms.
"I-" I breathed out, then sighed in defeat. "I love a man." I murmured, almost ashamed.
His eyes widened as he let his guard down.
"I love a man." I repeated, this time a bit louder.
George finally came up to us, his expression not any less surprised.
"Who are you talking ab-" He started.

"Guys?" called a voice.
All three of us turned our heads towards the boy standing before us.
"I'm sorry, am I interrupting something?" He asked raising his eyebrows.
I didn't dare speak a word.
"does he too?" Dream asked me pointing at Karl.
"I-" I stammered.
"What's going on?" He asked once more, his gaze leaping from me to the other two.
"Karl and I love each other." I blurted out, immediately biting my tongue and cursing myself.

"What?!" George and Dream yelped simultaneously.
"What the fuck Sapnap." He cried, his hands immediately covering his face.
"Karl-" I begged reaching for his arm.
He moved away as my fingers met his skin, although i still kept my hand on his forearm.
"Why?" He whispered revealing his face as his eyes filled with betrayal, quietly asking for reasons.
I simply looked at him, unable to speak any word.

"He caught us kissing." George admitted.
All of our gazes jumped onto him.
"Wait what?" Karl said under my grasp.
I let his arm go and composed myself.
"We all like men, Karl." I stated with a straight face.
A few seconds of deadly silence choked the air.

We all burst out laughing.
"Holy shit!" Dream wheezed, his hands on his stomach.
"I thought I had to kill you, Sap!" He admitted.
"That was the weirdest coming out i have ever done." George chuckled.
"I knew it!" Karl exclaimed.
"To be fair," I started looking at the two, "It was pretty obvious." i grinned.

"No way" George scoffed.
We all raised our eyebrows.
He stared back.
"Oh, fuck you guys." He replied as laughter filled the air once more.

"Help me get this fucking wood before it gets too dark." Dream instructed already kneeling down to get some twigs near him.

We all gathered up everything around the shallow hole near our stuff, then started dumping the wood inside it.

"Does anyone have a lighter?" George asked as he placed the last sticks on top of the others.
"Here you go honey." Dream said handing him one from his backpack.
"Did you just call him honey?" I fake gagged at the last word.

Karl, who was sitting down besides me, got close enough to be able to feel his hair brush on my cheeks, his hand creeping up my waist.
"You wouldn't mind it if i called you that though, would you?" He teased whispering so only him and I would hear it.

Redness rose up my cheekbones, and i used all my strength not to kiss him right there.
"When did you start dating anyways?" I changed the subject clearing my voice, trying to distract my focus from his fingers gently rubbing circles on my stomach.
"A year ago." Dream calmly responded turning around so his back wasn't facing us anymore.

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