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TW: use of drugs, mentions of alcohol(?)
Chapter's icon by R I L E Y on pinterest :)

"Rise and shine princess!" A voice sang as it approached me, letting an obnoxious ray of light hit my face and hurt my eyes.

I simply whined, turning around and rolling myself into a ball like a scared armadillo.
The air was heavy under the old blanket, and it started to smell like tears, smoke and sweat. In my hand i tightly held a package of cigarettes that kept one fag i promised myself i would have used only if strictly necessary.

"Jesus, it fucking reeks in here." He grumbled, approaching what i think was the window and starting to open the blinds.
"No." Was everything i could spit out, my voice hoarse and scratched.

He suddently stopped, walking up to me and stumbling over a few empty bottles of vodka i left on the ground.
"What the fuck, Sap?" He cursed, trying to get me to turn around by pulling on my covered shoulders.
"Fuck off Clay." I groaned.
He suddently stopped, making his voice softer and lightly squeezing my arm.
"It's been over a week, Sap. This is not good for you, you have returned the food almost completely untouched, you haven't taken care of your brothers, you haven't moved from your bed...
And this fucking room smells like cigarettes. Shit, are you smoking?"
He added after sniffling around a few times.

"No." Was the only sad, desperate sound i was able to whine, holding onto the hidden packet even more.
He snorted a heavy breath, then sat next to me.
"George is waiting in the living room. I drew you a bath, I'll help you clean yourself while he tidies your room up, okay?"
I stayed silent.
"Please." He whispered, getting closer to me and starting to slowly uncover my face.
I just let him.
"That's better."
I hid the packet under my thighs as he took the sheets off my torso.
"Dude, you smell like a sewer." He laughed.
"Shut the hell up." I scoffed, finally sitting up.

He held my hand as if i was a child and led me outside my room while i kept my eyes squinted through the hallway, barely being able to spot George peeking from its end and Dream giving him a thumbs up.
We entered the bathroom.
"Can you close the blinds?"
"Yes, sorry." He mumbled, making the room darker and lighting up a few candles.
I undressed myself, uncaring of the fact i was in front of him because we had known each other since our earliest years and had seen our naked bodies many times prior.

He simply grabbed some soap and a few cloths, waiting for me to get in the warm water and carefully rubbing the wet fabric on my face, on my shoulders and neck, then on my legs. His gestures were one of a father to his son, and i felt small under his delicate eyes.

"He's not gonna forget about you, you know that right?" He mumbled as the cloth rubbed on my forearm in circles.
My face contorced in a painful expression as i lowered my sight shamefully.
"Sap. He's not gonna forget about you. He's not like your father."
I sniffled a few times in a futile attempt of keeping my tears in, which were instead falling from my wet lashes to the water my body was dunk under, dissolving into it and mixing with the soap.
I passed the back of my hand over my eyes, frenetically rubbing them in the hope i would have convinced them to stop fucking crying.
Because that was the only thing i was able to do, and i accompanied my tears with booze and tobacco hoping they would have helped my days spin faster.
All the time like a foolish child i cried over everything, and my red eyes preyed over me, waiting for any occasion to burst in desperation and sobs.

He cupped my face and i clung onto his arm for dear life, because he was my lifeboat in an ocean i was too weak to swim in.
"I'm so scared, Clay. I'm so scared." I whined through shaky breaths and confused moans as i gently lulled myself back and forth.
"Of what, what's scary?" He asked, now holding my face so i was looking at him.
"I don't know." I whispered shamefully.
He sighed, moving his hand to the cloth he left in the water and going back to scrubbing my shoulders.

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