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It's totally not almost 3 am rn
sapnap's pov

"Cough" Said the doctor, running the freezing stethoscope on my bare back.
I gave a few hacks, my skin forming small bumps as it felt the cold utensil touch it.
"He's been feeling better, Doc. I think he might have healed." Dream said, observing me with his arms crossed.
"You're right. He isn't feverish anymore, he doesn't have any sort of infection, and as you told me he is a lot more energetic and hungry, yes?" He replied. The other simply nodded, and the older man chuckled a bit, giving me a pat on the back and fixing his bag.
"You young ones have bodies of steel. You can start going outside from now on." He concluded, taking his things and directing himself towards the door.
"Thank you, thank you so much doctor. How much do i owe you? Dream said, walking to him. "Don't worry about it, kid. It was just a check-up. Have a good day." He said, waving goodbye. He nodded, closing the door and beaming as he walked in my direction and sat next to me on the sofa.
He grabbed my shoulder, and i turned to him, smiling before receving the harshest, most heartfelt slap across my face.
"Ow! What the fuck!" I yelped, covering my reddened cheek.
"Where the fuck did he find cocaine?" He said in a weird, fake grin.
My hand slowly slid off my face as i observed him, mortified.
"I really don't know. There hasn't been a moment where I wasn't drunk, I dont know how he got it." I said, looking down.
He sighed, standing up and going to the kitchen.
"I'm sorry" I said, raising my voice so he could hear me from the other room.
"It's not me that you should apologize to." He called back.

For the prior few days i stayed in bed, fed and nursed by Dream and George as if they were my parents. They gave me news about Ran, telling me he had been staying with George's parents, because going to a hospital would've simply led to a salty bill and investigations from the police. They said that he was awake, a bit weak but awake. Bill was staying and Mrs Jacob's house.
I don't know what I would've done without them, I dont know what would've been left of me. I felt accountable, i felt filthy. It was all my fault, because i let everything slip off of my hands so easily, and I risked the well being of my family and I.

He came back after a few minutes, a silver tray held in his hands and two cups on top accompanied by a jar of cookies.
I smiled, making space on the coffee table in front of us and watching as he sat the platter on it.
I opened the jar and took a bite out of the dessert.
"Are these?" I started, looking at him.
"Duke George's special biscuits" He said, mocking a british accent and twirling his hand as he pinched the air, his other holding an imaginary cup of tea with his pinky lifted.
I chuckled, taking a sip out of the mug.
"Thank you." I said, observing him. He knew I wasn't just talking about the tea.
He sat besides me, wrapping an arm around my shoulder.
"You know you're like a brother to me, Sap." He started, grinning. "Even if you do dumbass things and you get into dumbass situations, I'll be there to get you out of them...and beat the shit out of you if you deserve it." He concluded.
I smiled looking down, still feeling a bit guilty.
"Can I go see Ran?" I spoke timidly. He simply nodded, standing up. "Go get dressed once you're done."

As we arrived to the house my chest felt heavy, weakening my legs and clouding my thoughts.
"Are you okay?" Dream said, looking at me with furrowed eyebrows.
"Yeah, sorry. I'm just a bit nervous." I said. He gave me a pitiful smile, patting my back and walking towards the porch. He knocked a few times, only taking Mr. Davidson a couple of seconds before the door was opened.
"Clay! It's so nice to see you. And I'm glad to see you healthy again, Sapnap." The brunet said, grinning at me. I awkwardly smiled, looking down, embarassed. "Thank you for everything that you're doing, Doctor." I said formally. He laid a hand on my shoulder, lightly squeezing it. "Unfortunately, kids do things without realizing it. The friend who gave it to him must've seen it somewhere, and he decided he wanted to make him try it too." He said. I furrowed my brows for a split second, quickly looking over Dream who kept an indifferent expression. "Besides, it has all gone for the better now; He is healthier, and a few days will be enough for his energy to come back." He concluded, smiling. I reciprocated the gesture, quickly biting my lip before timidly talking. "Would it be possible to see him?"
He beamed, his eyes reminding me more than ever of George's.
"Of course, come in, come in!" He said, opening the door further and letting us inside.

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