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Two months have passed and I decided to give you a little something, a small chapter to fill in the hole that i created.
From now on I will try to start writing regularly again; This chapter is going to be in italian, my native language, and its translation is right under the first part.
I'll explain at the end of the chapter what happened, i'm so sorry for the embarassingly long wait.


Era uno di quei giorni che profumano già di estate, in cui la fronte ti suda di sole e leggerezza, ove gli uccellini cantano nel cielo azzurrissimo un preludio ai primi respiri di giugno; Io me ne stavo coricato sulla nostra terra d'amore, verde come non mai e pungente nelle sue foglie ritte.
Spensierato abboccai un fiorellino latteo tra l'indice e il medio, osservando il suo lungo stelo e scorrendo le dita sul suo sottile corpo fino a toccarne i petali.
Col dorso dell'altra mano sfiorai il braccio di Karl, steso accanto a me. Lo sentii sistemarsi sul fianco, poggiandomi il torso sulla mano e il mento sulla spalla.
Mi osservò con quegli occhi lucenti che risucchiano l'anima, le labbra gentili curvate in un sorriso appena accennato e le mani a carezzarmi l'addome e il collo.

"A cosa pensi?" Sussurrò appena, facendosi vicino e baciandomi silenziosamente la clavicola nuda.

Presi la margherita alla base, premendola tra il pollice e l'indice e staccandola dal terriccio umido.
"A nulla." Gli risposi, girando il capo verso di lui e sistemandogliela dietro l'orecchio.
Mi guardò dal petto, le palpebre lente e la bocca schiusa.
"Hai promesso." dissi con un filo di voce, alzando la mano destra per lasciare che i raggi solari impregnassero l'anello che la indossava.
Lui la osservò per qualche attimo, mi regalò un sorriso e mi prese le dita per accostarsele al volto; Poi mi baciò le nocche, una per una, conservandosi l'anulare per ultimo. Infine si concesse il diamantino limpido, tenendolo sulle labbra per qualche secondo.

"Sempre." Rispose semplicemente.
Gli ressi il viso col palmo della mano, sfiorandoglielo appena ma stringendomi il suo animo addosso.
Si avvicinò a me con far timido, quasi indeciso; quando lo accolsi con due dita dietro la nuca si convinse a baciarmi, piegandosi su di me prima, poi alzandomi con sè mentre si teneva con l'anca stretta alla mia.
Si muoveva liquido, danzando come un'onda fresca che schiocca di baci e brividi, mentre le mie dita scorrevano lentamente per la sua schiena, tracciandogli le scapole e il dorso e infine il bacino, spingendolo contro il mio e infrangendo l'onda contro lo scoglio.

Mi riempivo le labbra di lui, ansimandolo ad ogni respiro, guardandolo con la lingua, tendendomelo stretto tra i polpastrelli.
"Ti amo." sussurrai.

It was one of those days that smell like summer, where your forehead sweats of sun and lightness, where birds coo the bluest sky a prelude to the first breaths of June;
I just stayed there, laying peaceful on our land of love, the ground as green as ever and pointy in its upright leaves.
I mindlessly hooked a milky flower between my pointer and middle finger, observing its long stem and brushing my fingers on its narrow body until i touched its petals.
The back of my other hand brushed against Karl's arm, resting besides me. I felt him shuffle as he turned to his side, leaning his torso over my palm and keeping his chin on my shoulder.
He observed me with those gleaming eyes that suck your soul out, his gentle lips curved in a slight smile and his hands caressing my abdomen and neck.

"What's on your mind?" He barely whispered, inching closer and quietly kissing my naked collarbone.

I grabbed the daisy from its base, pressing it between my thumb and pointer finger to pick it from the humid soil.
"Nothing." I answered, turning to him and fixing the flower behind his ear.
He observed me from my chest, his eyelids slow and his mouth barely disclosed.

"You promised" I added, raising my right hand to let the sunrays seep into the gemmed ring it wore. He gazed at it for a few moments, grabbing my fingers and bringing them closer to his face; He then slowly kissed my knuckles, one by one, conserving the ring finger for last. Eventually, he allowed himself the limpid diamond, resting his lips on its dainty body for a few seconds.

"Always." He simply responded.
I held his his face with my palm, barely touching it yet pressing his soul against mine.
He shyly drew himself towards me, almost indecisive; Only as i welcomed him with two fingers behind his nape he let himself have me, his arched back folding with me at first, then rising back up, leading mine as his pelvis stayed tight against mine.
He moved liquid, dancing like a fresh wave popping kisses and shivers while my fingers slowly moved across his back, drawing his shoulder blades, then his spine, then his hip, pushing it against mine and breaking the waves against the reef.

I filled my lips of him, moaning his name for every breath, observing him with my tongue, keeping him tight against my fingertips.
"I love you." I muttered.

I couldn't put into words how much i've hated this chapter.
It was supposed to be published a month ago, in the wait for my decision concerning Wilbur's situation; In the end, i let it to rot in the drafts for weeks.
I hate this, but i feel like i should publish it so i can move on. I have been really struggling with my mental health, and i've been having numerous depressive episodes. I'm burnt out and stressed, but it wont stop my work.
As i said earlier, i'll try to start a regular writing routine again, and i hope i'll be able to publish another chapter soon.

P.s. I've decided to simply keep going with the story. Wilbur's character is going to stay, but it won't be linked to the cc.

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