The party

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Chapter's icon by @Qwertyuiop0234 on pin ;)
Yall, this chapter is almost 5k words, so it will take a while to read...
Also, comment, i'm curious to see your live reactions :D (and if you'd like you can listen to the songs i put in the story, they literally describe the situation + they're the goat)
tws: Drugs, alcohol. (slight lime)

My body laid still on the mattress as the sheets gently wrapped around my lifted arm, holding a lit cigarette in the air as i slowly puffed it.
I couldn't really move. Or think.
My head felt heavy, anchored to the thin pillow as the ceiling slowly spun around, dancing to whispered lyrics of a song i sung quietly.
A knock on the door was surprisingly enough for me to sit up, although all i wanted to do was rot there, waiting for someone to pick up my remains and throw them in the sea. Who knows, maybe they would have found their way back to Flor-
Another knock.
I snorted, getting up and puffing out what remained of the cigarette, brushing it against the windowsill as i left it there.
I slowly opened the door, and Wilbur stood behind it.

He seemed smaller, almost shrunk as his shy shoulders hid his chest protectively.
In his eyes there was something different, a spark he always used to show now gone as his gaze was lulled by dark beds.
"Good morning." I smiled.
He returned the gesture forcefully, his lips curving up unnaturaly and breaking in the middle.
"I just wanted to let you know I'm going back to Britain for a week or so." He mumbled.
"How come? Is everything okay?" I spoke worriedly.
"My mother has lung cancer. The doctors gave her a week, I want to spend it with her." He whispered. His words were barely audible, and his fingers tightened their grip on his luggage. His nails were chipped and bloody.
"Holy shit, I'm so sorry Will. I-" My voice cracked as i nervously studied his figure, afraid he was gonna collapse on the floor at any moment.
He just observed me. Not even a tear being shed by his eyes and a slight frown over his lips.
I didn't have any word to give him, a reassurance, an "it's going to be okay", so i just hugged him.
I didn't know what to do, and what can you do in these occasions?
You hug, trying to hold their soul in with the fret that the pain could cause it to escape.
"Call me when you've arrived, will you?" I whispered against his neck.
He distanced himself, silently nodding and pronouncing a small "goodbye".
I waved my hand, waiting for his shadow to disappear behind the hallway's wall to close the door.

I snorted, leaving a cigarette between my lips and nervously lighting it up.
I hated how unpredictable life was, how easily it could start and how fast it would slip away; an accident, a fall, a risk. You never know how far you can take it, and you never know how lucky you will be.
That's why people gamble, to find luck, to get drugged by the thrill of peril, their excited hands hovering on stacks of fiches they've won in an orgasm of sweaty wealth.
And as i was about to get seated on my chair to finish writing my song another knock interrupted me.
And from who? The king of gambling himself, of course.

"Good morning." I said, turning my head to the side to blow out a cloud of smoke.
"Good morning Karl. I'm sorry for the disturbance, but i wanted to inform you of the party i organized on the 26th to celebrate Las Nevadas Legacy's fifth anniversary." He said formally. He was catious, his attent eyes never leaving mine.
"Thank you, William already let me know yesterday." I smiled, trying to ignore how coldly his stare rubbed against my skin.
His features abruptly softened, clouded with fret and mortification.

"About that..." he spoke with a grave voice.
"He told me about his journey back to England as well. I will substitute the guitar, if necessary." I interrupted breifly.
He simply nodded, never leaving my figure with his cold stare. He dug my soul, he found out about secrets I forgot to have kept hidden.

"I hope not to be too much of an intruder, but as I was directing myself here I noticed your post was full..." He said, clicking the tongue on his palate and slipping a hand in the inner pocket of his suit. He extracted a white envelope, handing it to me.
My heart fluttered as i almost snatched it from his hands from the excitement. I quickly read the front of it, catching a fleeting "Florida".

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