Fact no.9: Having a sister-in-law doesn't suck

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My brother isn't the only one who rushes down the stairs. So do Dia and Coin.

As he sees me with the frying pan in my hand and the woman standing frightened with her hands on the kitchen isle, Kai's eyes darken.

"What the heck, April?!", he asks me while rushing to take the woman in his arms. He hugs her and sinks his face in her shoulder. She gasps as he's close and begins crying, but not from fear from my frying pan, but joy she sees him again.

"I missed you", Kai whispers to her before kissing her.

"Te amo", the woman whispers to him. "I missed you so much, mi amor."

The two continue kissing and I can't stop but look like in a trance at them. Dia and Coin come closer to me, they're faces both screaming how confused they are. Dia is rather surprised as Coin's face expresses pure shock. And a slight feeling of hurt.

I clear my throat to stop their smooch fest, wanting some answers. Coin backs me up by nodding, when the two look at us.

"April, Noah, Dia, meet Cami, my fiancée", Kai introduces her. So she was indeed saying the truth. Kai continues the introduction round: "Cami, meet April, my sister; Noah, my best friend and Dia, April's best friend."

Cami smiles at us and shakes all of our hands. She then goes back to wrapping her hands around Kai's neck, my brother placing a hand protective on her waist.

"Wha-", I want to say but Coin beats me to it.

"Will anyone please explain what the heck is going on?!"

Kai and Cami share a look. Then their gazes wonder to the suitcases in the hallway, that clearly belong to her. Coin and I share a confused look.

"You know what", Dia suggests, her hands already ready on her headphones. "I'll make us something to eat, you can go talk about this."

I look at her, silently asking her if this would be okay for her. She only nods reassuring and puts her headphones on as she walks to the kitchen isle to take out some ingredients. From the way her head is moving to some rhythm, I know she already left us for Lana del Rey, her favorite singer ever.

I look at Kai, Cami and Coin, and barely hold myself from screaming on spot. Instead, I put on a fake smile and ask: "Will you join me outside?"

They nod and I lead them to the table on the terrace outside. Cami smiles as she sees the view, giving Kai a kiss on his neck. He rewards her with a kiss on her lips. The two are so in love it makes me puke. I bring them to the table and Kai and Cami sit next to each other, making me and Coin sit on the other side. I share a look with Coin to show him just how much I like sitting next to him. With his look, he shows me the feeling is mutual.

We sit at the table for minutes, no one saying anything. Dia brings us some cups of coffee at one point, and we all thank her. Silence then.

"So, this is a nice house", Cami begins to stop this from getting creepy.

"It is", Kai answers, eyes already on her, sparkling with love.

"When did you two get engaged?" I ask, not feeling in the mood to make small talk. I have no problem with my brother finding love and happiness, but he could at least tell me.

Kai and Cami share a worried look. The conversation is clearly going worse than they had expected.

"November", Kai answers for both of them.

"November?!", I ask surprised, almost spilling my coffee. Coin looks alarmed at me, then darkens his gaze on Kai and Cami.

"Yes", Cami continues. "I had some business in New York and Kai and I spent a lot of time together. It's then he proposed."

Cami's eyes light up as she looks at Kai. I can't get rid of the feeling of betrayal. He could have told me.

"And you knew each other for one week?", I ask surprised.

Coin next to me has a thinking face on, as if he's doing some math in his head. As he comes to a result, he says: "So that's why you booked the hotel that week."

Kai only nods.

"And that's why you bought an apartment", Coin continues.

Kai nods again.

"You're getting married", Coin says, looking at Kai. Then, looking at Cami: "And you're moving to New York with him."

The couple nods now.

"What?!", I find myself shouting. All eyes are on me. Even Dia's, who watches from the kitchen, ready to come if I need her. "When did this start?", I ask them.

"A few years ago", Kai replies. My shocked face gives him the hint to continue. "Cami has always been my best friend here in Spain. A few years ago, we started thinking we could be more. We got together and went in long-distance when I was back in New York."

"So that's why you wanted so bad to come here", I interrupt him. He nods.

"I'm a model for a fashion house", Cami adds. Shocker. "But," she continues, "I am also a photography student here in Barcelona. It was impossible to move away. A few moths ago, I applied to the university in New York to see if I could continue my studies there."

"Wrencore?" I ask.

"No, another. NYU."

I nod as if I understand. I know the university, but I still have zero clue what is happening now.

"They accepted me and I start classes in fall."

"When you move in with Kai", I finish for her. She nods.

"I really didn't want us to meet like this. Kai told me a lot about you. Both of you", Cami says, looking at me and Coin. "I really hope we can be friends. You're my new family."

It was too soon. Way too soon.

Coin clears his throat and I gasp.

"We will", I tell Cami, who actually looked sad at our reactions. "Just give us some time", I add.

"We'll need a hell lot of that", Coin says, his eyes completely dismissing Cami and only staring at Kai. He stands up, so sudden it makes the chair fall with a bang. He then walks away from us and to the beach. Cami looks worried at Kai, who also stands up. He bends down to her to kiss her, then whispers: "I'll deal with him."

Cami nods and watches as Kai walks along the pathway.

She then places her forearms on the table and lets her head sink in her palms.

"Qué hice?", she mumbles, more to herself. I understood that.

And I couldn't help feel sorry for her. She did nothing wrong. She fell in love. And found happiness. Luck, not all of us have.

I take one of her hands and give it a squeeze. Cami looks up at me, her eyes red from crying. I brush with my thumb over her palm.

"Hey, it's okay, it's not your fault."

She only shakes her head shivering.

"Trust me, it's not. Coin is an asshole. It's not your fault he's like that. He just can't help it."
Cami chuckles now and I feel happy to see her relaxed.

"I'm April by the way", I add.

"Cami", she replies.

"I'm sorry about the frying pan", I continue. She smirks now.

"It's no problem. Don't worry about it. I would have done the same."

I can't hold it together and start laughing. She quickly joins in. It's then I realize I could get used to this. Us laughing together.

"I'm glad you'll be my sister-in-law, Cami."

She looks at me questioning. I only nod. As she sees I mean it, she bursts in a cry again. But not of sadness. But of happiness. She rushes to me and gives me a tight hug.

"Me too, April", she whispers. "Me too."

I smile and pull her closer.

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