Fact no.11: Practice makes perfect

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After Coin and Kai calmed down and came back to the terrace, Dia had already joined us outside. I didn't know how she and Cami would react to each other, but they both got along real quick. Dia was a bit shy at first, her hands clenching the headphones around her neck, but she let go of them with time, actually smiling in the end. Her pyjamas were gone, replaced by a black top and some beige shorts. Her brown hair was braided together. She looked pretty as always.

We all had breakfast, Kai told us Cami would be spending the holiday with us, staying at the house. We didn't comment anymore, only wished her a warm welcome. She smiled at us and hugged Kai tight.

The question came what to do today. Normally, we always visit Barcelona in the first day but this year...

"Why not go to the beach?", I suggest, already bracing myself for them to say no. But they start nodding instead. And smiling.

"Sure, I could use a swim", Kai amswers.

"To bring those old tired muscles back in place?", I reply teasing. He sticks his tongue out at me. Cami quickly comes in his defense.

"I think your muscles look great, mi amor."

Coin almost chokes on his food. I can't stop but look disgusted. Dia looks at me worried.

"See, someone agrees", Kai continues. "I'll let you explore them tonight", he continues to Cami.

"Say that again and I'll kick both of you out of here", I reply.

Coin grins.

He then gives me a proud look.

It fades away as quickly.

"What?! As if you wouldn't want to do that to a person looking as hot as me", Kai adds. I stick my tongue out again. Coin's eyes only get narrower, letting no emotion be read.

"I would want to do more than that", I reply. Kai chokes on his food and I can see Dia look at the ground to hide a smirk. Cami smiles at me and Coin doesn't change his gaze.

Awkward silence installs between us.


Dia, who now clenches her fingers around the headphones, looks at us worried and says: "Who would like to join me for a swim?"

"I do", I say, taking the opportunity to get out of there.

Cami does the same seconds later.

I take Dia's wrist and rush to the beach, making sure Cami is with us. The moment our sneakers are covered in sand, we dump our clothes on the sand remaining in the bathing suits and run inside the water. Dia smiles at me and I remember this is her first time at the beach since we arrived at the house. I take her hand and make a pirouette with her, both of us laughing loud. I've never seen her so happy at once, smiling so bright. Her headphones are far away, resting next to the shorts she dumped earlier. I can't stop but smile.

Cami joins is and we all start dancing together, letting the waves tingle us. I splash the two girls making them laugh, they splash me in return.

Before we know, the guys arrive and Kai surprises Cami by hugging her from behind. She turns around to kiss him and ends being carried by him on his shoulder. I can't stop but think of Coin doing the same to me. One look at him tells me he's thinking the same thing.

Kai and Cami take off, playing with each other in the sea. When they can't no more, they go outside the water and Kai lays Cami on a towel no doubt he and Coin placed there before. Four other towels for each of us are next to it.

As Kai bends over his fiancée to kiss her, I look away. Too disturbing, knowing that's my brother over there.

"Someone seems to be practicing for tonight", Coin whispers in my ear. I can't help but gasp. He must have noticed the situation isn't so comfortable for me. And decides to point out at it.


"You're not making it any better, Coin", I tell him, my voice more like an order than normal talking. He chuckles.

"You could do it too, you know", he adds, his voice glowing with mischief.

"What?", I ask sarcastically. "Tease you about your best friend making out in front of you."

"The practicing, I mean", Coin adds with a smirk. "You know, to show me what you would do to a guy looking as hot as Kai. Hotter even." He even winks at that.

I focus on all my strength and not the burning cheeks and push him inside the water. He falls. Again. With a splash.

Before he has time to add anything, I turn to Dia and say: "Let's go get the flamingo floaty."

My bestie raises an eyebrow, yet only raises her shoulders and follows me outside the water.

As we're on the beach, walking to the house, I dare look back at him. Coin was already up again, staring at me smirking.

"Cruel evil woman", he mouths to me.

I smirk back and show him the middle finger.

He makes such a vulgar gesture with his it makes me question not only his well-being but entire sanity.

I roll my eyes at him, making sure he sees it, then look away.

My cheeks are pinker than the flamingo floaty itself.


It's way past midnight and I'm cuddled with a blanket in my bed, Stranger Things playing from my laptop, as I get his message.

No-Ah Coin: Have you thought about my offer?

I immediately freeze, every bone of me stopped in place.

Play dumb.

ME: What offer?

No-Ah Coin: You practising. With me.

ME: Get your mind off me, it's never going to happen.

No-Ah Coin: You know what they say, practise makes perfect.

ME: Who knew that Wrencore's playboy still needs practise?

I guess my words hurt him since his answer comes few minutes later.

No-Ah Coin: My offer stands, whenever you want.

Pure rage flickers through me at his words.

ME: Fuck you, Coin!

No-Ah Coin: I'm looking forward to it.

I throw my phone on the other side of my bed and show my middle finger at it. I swear I could hear his chuckle somewhere.

I started seeing him in my mind. That's not good. Not good at all.

I take a deep breath and continue the series, already making a list who I would send in the Upside Down.

It's a one-name list.

And the name Noah Coin stands at the top.

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