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"You are doing it all wrong", Nini shouts at Caden while laughing out loud.

"Oh really, Broadway? Then how should I do it?", Caden asks her, teasing tone on. He also hands her the small ball then for her to be able to throw it at the cans. The girl knocks half of them down with the first ball only.

"Who would have known I am dating Wonder Woman here?", Caden comments, giving Nini a kiss. She smiles and pulls him closer.

"Baby, I thought I was Ariel", she teases. I have to laugh at that. For Noah stayed with us after we got together. My friends raised some eyebrows first and had to adapt from hating him to accepting him, but we are all good now. We spent yesterday at the beach and Caden couldn't stop teasing Nini for looking like the Little Mermaid with her red hair and bathing suit. They've been laughing about it since.

"Only if I get to be your Eric", Caden adds. She smiles and kisses him as she throw the second ball at the targets. She knocks all cans down and the woman working here comes to tell her to choose a plushie. She goes with the one of a big fish for them to use as Flounder. Caden can't stop but laugh at that too and the two make way to go have a smooch fest.

"Our turn", Noah says with a smirk on. I take his hand and lead him to the starting point. The woman checks him out once, but she did that to every one of the guys. Kinda happens when you have three of the Fab Five here with you.

I give him the three small balls and take a step further away from him, still holding his hand though. I've been doing it ever since we got back together. I can't let him go. Not again. He holds my hand just as eager, so I guess he feels the same.

"You can do it, Coin", Caden cheers for him from wherever he went to kiss his girlfriend. Soph, who is standing together with Alec next to us, also adds some words of encouragement.

As if he would need any.

He takes the little ball and hits every can from the first hit. Just like the last time we were at a fun fair. I have to chuckle at that.

"Oh my Gosh", Soph lets out surprised followed by Nini, still in the mood of teasing Caden: "You couldn't do that, Eric, could you?" Caden rolls his eyes amused and kisses her again. 

"Which prize would you like?", the woman says, already pointing at the huge plushies. We won the grand prize. Obviously. With Noah's killer spike.

"Your choice, precious", he whispers in my ear, having done his job and now being free to kiss me all day long. I chuckle and look at the prizes. There are some huge plush princesses, some random oversized pizzas...and some teddy bears. 

"I want that one", I say, pointing to a blue teddybear with a rainbow on his belly.

"Getting a sibling for Jerry?", Noah teases me. Soph coughs disturbed from behind at the same time Nini and Caden laugh. Dia's eyes relax a bit. She hasn't smiled since that night, yet my besties and I planned on doing everything we can to see her smile again.

"You two are disgusting", Alec says with his death tone. Noah and I share an amused look.

"You'll understand once you're a father too, Dunn", Noah tells him. I have to laugh at that. Soph coughs disturbed again. Nini smirks bright. So does Caden.

"I have to agree with Alec on this one", Caden adds, if only to support his friend. "You two really are disgusting. Especially you, Coin", he says that while facing my boyfriend, who is smirking bright.

"Scandalous", I tease him. He kisses me and slips his tongue inside my mouth. I only tangle mine around his.

Nini puts her hand in front of Caden's eyes. "Don't watch this, my little baby, it is very PG", she replies. Caden only copies Noah's movement to Nini. The girl chuckles and lets it happen, showing Noah the middle finger during the process. I laugh at that. 

"You all are impossible", Alec replies, his hand tightening on Sofia's waist. As if he is fighting the urge to do what we're doing to her too. I smirk bright.

"We know", I reply. "But you love us."

"Don't try your luck", Alec tells me, warnings in his voice. I flip him off. Noah nods proud.

"You know what?", Soph says. "I'm going to grab some balls."

"Literally?", I ask her, smirk on. Nini can't hold back a laugh. I can swear I could also see a twitch on Alec's face. It quickly was replaced by a stone-cold expression.

"Killer Ken could help with that", Noah adds to back me up. 

"Shut up, Daddy", Alec cuts him short. We all let out an Oh. Soph turns around and gives Alec a proud smile.

"Don't worry, Alec, I'll make him shut up", I say, slipping my tongue deeper into his mouth. Noah lets out a moan. Alec sighs exhausted.

"Remind me why you two are here again?", he asks us. Dia thinks he means her and I, since we were the first one to crash their double date trip. She makes a sign to open her mouth, yet Alec quickly interrupts her: "I am not talking to you, Dia. You are free to stay here as long as you like." Dia thanks him with a nod. Ever since what happened with Leo, I think the guys took it upon themselves to protect her. They saw how broken she is. And every time we're out, one of them stays closer to her or threatens with a death stare the guys who look at her too much. Soph, Nini and I all thanked them, but they only said it is the right thing to do. "I'm talking about the two there", Alec adds to clarify, pointing at me and my boyfriend.

"Don't mind him", Soph is quick to interrupt, hitting Alec in his ribcage. His mouth twitches and he kisses her. Soph smiles, and adds to us, her mouth not sliding an inch away from his: "You are always welcomed. Stay as long as you like."
I can see Alec growl and ready to comment, but Soph stops him with a kiss. I send an air kiss at my bestie as a thank you. For I really mean it. Ever since Noah came, the seven of us have been visiting more cities. And Noah and I started living our dream. Discovering the world together. We've been in Nice, Cannes, Monte Carlo, Antibes and other new cities. We made memories in every one of them. Kissed in every one of them too. We started a new goal. Kiss in every city we visit. And if we have the rest of our lives to complete this goal, and it means I have the rest of my life to live with him...I smile at that thought.

"What's wrong, precious?", he asks me, noticing the shift in my mood.

"Nothing", I say, brushing away a strand of his hair falling on his forehead. "I was just thinking of how much I love you."

He smiles. An honest smile. And says: "I love you too, precious. With every breath. Every heartbeat. I'm yours."

I chuckle again. "Stop being so cute, you only make me fall in love even more with you."

"That was my plan all along", he answers.

I smile and pull him closer. And I don't want to let go. I want to keep holding him. Forever.

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