Fact no.18: April takes her birthday very serious

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We leave the Ferris wheel after that extra round, going to the worker to thank him for what he did for us. He smiles and wishes us a good time. It's like he somehow knows we will.

After we go one more time on the roller coaster and bumper cars, this time me sitting next to her, we take the bus back to the city centre and head to La Rambla, a very popular street. We stop at a restaurant to eat something, a few dishes of Tapas, and we then keep wondering down the street, sometimes stopping so that April can look at the shops.

It's way past midnight when she wants to buy herself an ice cream, yet I am quicker to pay it for her and she ends up showing me the middle finger while thanking me with her eyes. I had to chuckle at that.

We're back to walking as I ask her: "Do you already have plans for your birthday?"

Her birthday is the 29th of July. A bit confusing, since her name is April, but yeah. April has always loved her birthday and since she's turning twenty this year, I bet there is something grand she has in mind.

"Of course", she lets out, her face already glowing with mischief.

"What?", I continue, since her birthday is at the end of next week and I'll very much like to know what I have to brace myself for.

"I'm not telling you, it's a surprise", she replies, licking her chocolate ice cream again.

She's been licking me with that tongue hours earlier.

"Could I at least have a hint?", I tease her. She rolls her eyes giving up.

"Fine. Let's just say, we'll have company."

"Oh no-"

"Oh yes."

"You invited them?"

"All of them."

"They won't come", I say, still having hope.

"But they will. I already have all the RSVPs. The girls and the Fab Five are coming. And Leo, but who counts him?"

"You have something with that guy", I say, chuckling. I know for a fact April hates Dia's boyfriend, Leo, and would use any chance to throw him in the ocean. Given the fact we're living at a house with the sea next to it, that does make her job easier. A lot easier.

"I do. Especially as Jacob is there, breathing and existing, and would make a perfect match for Dia", she counters. I think of Jacob and have to agree. He is like the Sunshine itself. Always smiling and laughing. It would match Dia's mysterious vibe.

"Okay, I see your point", I let. She smirks.

"Thank you", she mumbles, licking the ice cream. She notices how I am looking at her and asks: "Do you want some?"


"Ice cream. Want some?"

"Wouldn't you mind?"

"No, not really. They gave me two cups anyway when I only asked for one."

"But I'll lick it."

"You did the same to me earlier and didn't seem to mind", she counters.

With that, I smirk and go taste her ice cream. I start nodding wanting to tease her and begin: "It's good."

"Yeah? You like it?"

"I do. It tastes nice."

"What do you mean it tastes nice? It's the best ice cream I've ever had."

I brush my lips on her ear and whisper: "You taste better."

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