Fact no.14: Never make your ex jealous

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I don't know how it happened.

Javier and I met half an hour ago.

We danced the whole time and he kept flirting with me. He put his hand on my waist and I let him come closer, whispering stuff in my ear. He made me laugh. Smile.

I want him to touch me. I haven't gotten laid in a while. Not since the last frat party when I made our with Nick White. He is a guy on the football team. He was fun, we spent a nice night, but that was it. He didn't make me feel what one is supposed to feel while making love. I didn't come once. I somehow felt guilty, Nick tried so hard, but I just couldn't.

I hope it will be better with Javier.

"Are you enjoying the party?", he asks, his Spanish accent showing off. It sounds sexy. I like it.

"I am", I answer, flirting tone on. Gosh, how I love to make boys cry. "It got better as I saw you."

"I am glad to hear that", Javier says, leaning closer to me. His mouth is barely one inch away. I wonder how his lips taste.

"Yeah?", I ask him, same tone.

"Yeah", he replies. "You look so beautiful. And your eyes. Do you have a map?"

Oh, gosh. Here we go.

"Not really. But my phone has Google maps."

"That will do. I think I got lost in your eyes."

Honestly, did this guy just search for the most common flirt line and just copy and paste it?

Anyways, I'm going to go with it. Not the best flirt I have ever had, but still. "I don't think Google can help in that case."

"Neither do I', he replies, his voice barely a whisper. "But this will." And without any warning, he leans in closer and kisses me. My body needs a second to react. Push him or roll with it? I think back of the last few months. Only little Nick. No one else. I think I'll roll with it.

I pull him closer and open my mouth wider, allowing him to slip his tongue inside me. He does and starts exploring. My mouth is his new territory. I bite his bottom lip to get a taste. Sweet. But not like cherries. Something else. It will do.

I think he moans inside my mouth, his pleasure clearly there. I still don't feel much rather than a bit excited. No spark. Maybe it hasn't come yet. I pull him closer. He bites my bottom lip wanting a taste of me. I squeal, the sound being captured by him. His taste. His warmth.

"Javier...", I let out, knowing damn well where this plea will get me. Bedroom.

"April...", he counters, confirming my suspicions. I am sure a bed will be our next destination.

I let him wonder more around my mouth. Every spot he finds he licks. It's like he's on a mission. He wants to-

"There you are", someone interrupts us.


I turn around and see Noah Coin standing in front of us, his face expression stone-cold as always. But his eyes...His eyes are even darker as usual. Sending warnings. He's in pure rage. And poor Javier is the reason.

Is Coin jealous?

No, he couldn't be. Disgusted at most. But not jealous.

If he would have really loved me, he wouldn't have messed up our relationship in the first place.

"I've been looking all over for you, babe", Coin continues. 

Babe?! Is he fucking kidding me right now?

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