Fact no.20: Here's to family reunions

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I guess I've been waiting on this veranda for one hour now. Soph texted us on the friend group the moment they entered in Spain. And the moment their GPS showed thirty minutes left of their ride until the Summer house. However, it's been double the time now and no sign of them.

"Try calling them again", Dia suggests. She's next to me, both of us sitting on the stairs. Cami and Kai are at the beach, saying they'll come join us later. Noah is still in the house, chilling in the air conditioning. Because it is hot. Really hot. I would also rather dump the short crop top I'm wearing now along with my biker shorts and the sneakers, and change in my bathing suit, but the girls take priority. And they could arrive any minute now. So, I'll stick to my clothes and the heat.

Dia next to me is in one of her looks. A black crop top, beige skirt and Converse. She looks pretty, like always, the freckles now taking over her face. I don't remember her having so many freckles in December. We even talked about it in our boredom, and she says the freckles usually come out at heat and disappear in the winter. She says she likes them, but also likes her face without them. I like her with freckles on her cheeks and nose. It gives her something unique.

We're talking about the latest Lana del Rey song, which Dia played to me yesterday, as my phone lights up with a message:
SOPH: Open the gates :)

"They're here", I say. I then shout: "NOAH!"
Dia, who obviously knew what Noah and I have been up to these last few days, kissing on the beach, going on hidden dates, jogging with each other both at morning and at night, got used to me calling him by his first name and also started doing it, after Noah's requests. We don't do it in front of Kai and Cami though. They still don't know what's going on.

Noah walks out, wearing only his grey sweatpants and flip flops.

"Yes, precious?", he greets us.

I hardly stop my gaze from wondering on his chest. I meanwhile tested out my theory. It's not a six pack. But a ten pack. I didn't even think it possible until I met him. And until I traced every single one of those pack with my tongue. But, here I am.

"First of all, put a shirt on, we have guests", I begin, hiding the real reason. I would stare at him too much if he kept his shirt off, and we agreed on our friends not knowing about us. Whatever we are. We are not together yet, and we're clearly not enemies anymore. Well, not like we were before. I still swear at him and call him names. And we kiss. And make out. So, I don't know what we are.

But now isn't the time to discuss this.

"And please open the gates with the remote. You're already standing and both Dia and I are sitting. It is easier for you."

"I was lying on the couch five seconds ago before you called for me", he replies with a glare.

"Such a pity", I add, my tone sarcastic.

He smirks and shows me the middle finger before he goes to open the doors. As soon as I hear the metal in the distance open, a loud roar from a car tones throughout the estate.

"What in the world?", I ask Dia but my answer is given in a few seconds. Rolling on our pathway is a Ferrari. A damn Ferrari. All red and shiny, convertible with the windows down, showing off the four passengers. Alec on the driver's seat, sunglasses on. Soph sitting on the passenger's seat, looking at the Summer house. She hasn't spotted us yet. Nini and Caden are on the backseat, also looking around.

Noah meanwhile came back outside, probably surprised by the noise, and is now smirking bright. I couldn't tell if the smirk was for the car or the sight of his friends. I guess a bit of both.

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