Fact no.21: Adam Cunnan is a gentleman

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The next morning, I wake up and decide to surprise my friends with some rosquillas. You can't come to the Summer house and not have rosquillas. So I change in my jogging outfit and go downstairs, ready to head outside.

Only, I am not the only one awake. Adam is already there, jogging clothes on, looking at his smartwatch. He's wearing a combination of a black sports T-Shirt, shorts and running shoes in the same color.

"Good morning", I tell him, as he was too focused on his smartwatch to notice me. He looks up and smiles as he sees me.

"Good morning, April", he replies.

"Are you going for a run?", I ask him, realizing how dumb I sound since it is obvious that was what he was going to do.

"Yeah, I was planning to. My tracker is still planning a route, I have no idea where I should run."

"Why don't we run together? I know a nice route here", I offer.

He smiles and closes the app on his smartwatch.

"Sure, let's do it", he agrees, smile now wider.

I lead him outside and we run next to each other on my usual track.

"So, I was thinking we can stop and get some rosquillas. They are like donuts and I know a café who does them better than anywhere else. What do you say?", I ask him, if only to make conversation. The small rings around his eyes from not sleeping are still there. Faded, but there.

"Sounds good", Adam replies. He asks me about my holiday so far then, and I answer to keep the talk going. When I am done telling about my holiday, I plan on asking him about his.

"And, how was your Summer so far?"

He swallows hard, a hint that his Summer hasn't been the best.

"Well, a lot of work at first", he begins. "I graduated this year, you know?", he continues. It's then I also remember that Adam is two years older than me and the girls, while the rest of the Fab Five are only one year older than us. The guys will all be ready with college when we begin our senior year. Adam already is ready now. "I spent the beginning of the holiday getting some affairs in order. Then, after what happened with", he wants to say, then thinks better of it and says something else. "Then, I went to my brother in Los Angeles."

He notices my raised eyebrow as he said brother. I recall he is an onlychild. He usually calls Alec his brother, since they grew up together.

"Not my actual brother. We lived together, my other two best friends, Alec and I. So, I see them as my brothers."

I nod, thankful for him sharing this piece of information with me. He usually doesn't say anything about his life. I don't know a thing about his childhood or anything from his private life. I know he doesn't have a girlfriend, but if he ever had one or if he likes someone or if he is dating, I don't have the slightest clue.

"The brother I went to visit in Los Angeles, Michael, he is going through a hard phase. He has some problems with his health. I went there to help him out. I am going back after the time here. And staying there throughout September. He needs my help and after what happened with...after what happened...I also need a break from New York."

I know better than to ask him what happened with whom. Even if he read the question on my face, he doesn't give any details.

"Alec is coming too. In September. I don't know if Sofia told you."

"She did", I remember. She mentioned that she'll be away most of the weekends in September, since she'll go visit Alec. I didn't think much of it then, but it now makes sense.

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