// bad again //

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Tw: depression, self-harm relapse

- female, she/her. Nat is your adoptive mom


It's getting bad again. You're falling back into the hole you fought so hard to get out off. You don't know what happened though.

You barely get out of bed. You relapsed yesterday night, you're fighting for you live again and yet no one seems to notice.

"Hey love." Your mom walks into your room after knocking. "Hey." You mumble. "So we're doing a movie tonight and we'd love it if you joined us. We haven't done something like that in a while."

"I don't know. I don't think so, I'm sorry." "Please?" She asks. "I'll think about it. What time is it?" "8, I hope I'll see you then." She smiles and leaves your room.

You sigh and turn on your music, falling asleep.


A while later you wake up. Your look at the time. 7 pm. If you would wanna go you'd still have time to get ready. You decide you wanna go. You haven't done something with them for months.

You grab a pair of leggings and a hoodie. Walking to your bathroom you notice a red drop on the floor next to the bathtub. Flashbacks of yesterday night flooding through your mind.

Your breathing gets heavier and tears fall down your cheeks. You take a seat on the ground and try to calm yourself down, but with no succes. Trying to search for your little case you hear your mom.

"Hey are you in here?" You take a deep breath. "I am." You say trying not to sound shaky. "We're starting a bit earlier, do you wanna come?" You think about it and decide to go as distraction. You quickly throw on some new clothes and check yourself in the mirror. It would have to do you tell yourself and get out of the bathroom.

"Let's go." Nat says and puts her arm around you.


The movie was actually quite nice and things we're going fine untill the movie ended. "Hey Y/n can I talk to you for a sec?" Your mom asked. You nodded and you follow her to your room.

"I am gonna ask you something and I want you to be hounest, okay? Can you do that for me baby?" Your stomach hurts from panic but you nod anyway. "Well your sleeve lifted up while rewatching the movie and I'm.pretty sure I saw fresh cuts. Did you relapse?" Your heart drops.

Staring at her without answering a tear falls down your face. She hugs you and you completely let go the tears you've been holding. "I'm sorry." "You have nothing to be sorry for baby, it's gonna be okay. I'm her with you, you're safe."

A/n: yes okay so first one shot idk what this is sorry

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