// breathe //

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-Tw: panick attack

- This is a request!!

Nat is your friend and finds you having a bad panic attack, she tries to help you through it.

- please be aware that I don't have experience with everything mental health related, so sometimes requests might not come out the way you want to because I don't know exactly how it feels, although I do my best to find out how to say it the right way!!


Sitting in your room listening to your music you start to feel uneasy. You legs start to tingle and sudden you're feeling lightheaded.

Pacing around the room it only gets worse. "Not again" you think to yourself.

Feeling the need to throw up you run to the bathroom. This did not help at all. Still crying and hyperventilating you walk back to your room.

Your throat starts to close up and your visions gets blurry due to all the tears streaming down your face.

Your breathing not calming down and barely catching your breath you notice Natasha, who just walked in.

"Hey, come here, Y/n what's going on." Nodding no you take a step backn and turn around. Your breathing only getting heavier and faster. No one has ever seen you having a panick attack and you're not about to start now.

"Get out please." You say in between breaths. "Come on breath with me, it's okay. I can help." Still nodding no but not being able to calm urself down you take a seat on the bed.

She sits next to you. "Okay, breath in..." She looks at you and you do as she says. "Breathe out." You repeat this a few times untill you've calmed down.

"Good. You're okay. You're safe." A tear slips down your burning hot face. "Thankyou." She hugs you. "Now do you wanna tell me what's happend?"


A/n: stopping here cause for everyone this is different. Also, my experience with bad panick attacks is not really good. I hope I did this right, if not please let me know (nicely) and I will change it!

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