// where's my love //

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Tw: running away/verbal abuse? I'm not really sure how to call it (help me pls)

-nat is a stranger


It's one of these nights again. You're fighting with your dad. About what? Absolutely no idea. You only know he's pretty pissed off.

"And you can't even do anything without failing!" He argues. "I hope you get hit by a fucking train." You mumble. "What did you say?" He raises his voice and takes a step forward now looking down at you. You flinch as you take a step back.

"Nothing." "You better hope you didn't." He says angry and walks out. You choke back a sob as you quickly grab your runaway bag. You can't take it anymore.

People always judge your relationship with your dad. But they don't know anything about it.

They don't know the times you sat quietly crying in bed as a little kid cause he got so mad it scared you. They don't know about the times you hoped his friends would be there when he was drinking In case something would happen.

They don't know the times you dreaded to go there but still had to go because "It wasn't that bad." But that comes to an end here and right now

You check if everything you need is in your bag and sneak out of your window. Running to God knows where you find a little playground. Panting you take a seat on the bench.

"Hey kid you okay." A woman speaks up. Flinching you immediately get off the bench. "Oh sorry. I didn't mean to scare you." She looks ate you. "You look pretty young."

"Please leave me alone." You say. "I can't let you stay out here all alone. Where are your parents?" "Dead." You say. Your mom is and you're dad is as good as dead to you too so.

"I'm so sorry to hear that love. Come with me. We have a place you can stay." "Nah I'm fine here." "She takes off her hood and I remember her. She's an Avenger." "It's not safe here."

Thinking about it it indeed may be smarter to go with her, otherwise the police may find me. "Fine." I say.

You walk together to the Avenger compound. Taking you upstairs she shows you a room. "Here." "Thankyou." you nod a tear falling down your cheek. "Hey, you're safe here. It's gonna be okay." She hugs you. "You're okay." She whispers.

A/n: who needs dads anyway.

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