// precious girl //

191 4 3

Tw: suicide

This is not a comfort story, it's basically just sad. So if you're ready to cry, then you can read it

Not proofread cause I'm too tired for that will do it in the morning or sum


"Okay class, I hope to have all your essays by tomorrow." Your teacher finishes just before the school bell sounds.

As you see your classmates worry about the essay, you don't. You know that you won't have to worry about that anymore after tonight. Your mom will be home late tonight and you, you will finally come to peace.

Dropping all your stuff into your locker you make your way outside. "Y/n." It's your history teacher. Annoyed that it's only gonna take longer like this you answer.

"Yes sir?" "Can I talk to you for a second?" "I have to get home sir I-" "It'll only be a for a minute I promise. Please?" "Fine." I mumble and following him to his classroom. He closes the door and takes a seat Infront of me at his desk.

"Are you okay?" "That's what you wanted to ask?" "Well yes I-" I stand up to leave but he grabs my arm. "Y/n. I have to ask. You're not planning to- to do anything right?" "To do anything?" He takes a deep breath.

"Are you planning on harming yourself." Your heart drops. You feel tears forming in your eye. "No. I really have to go now." You hastily get out of his grip and almost run home.

As you get to your bathroom you fill up the bath with ice-cold water. Going to your room you write your final goodbye to your now long distance girlfriend who you haven't seen in forever because she moved a while back.

Hey my love, I've been thinking about this for a very long while. What I was gonna say, how I was gonna say it, but here I am. I just think you'd be way better off without me. You and so many people are. I'm so sorry for what I'm about to do but it's for the better. I wish you the very best and I hope you take good care of yourself and grow up to be this amazing woman. 'Cause you deserve it. Everything that's good in this world, you deserve it. My precious girl. I love you.

Putting the letter on your desk you stop the bath from filling up.

Looking at yourself in the mirror one last time. You take the blades and lay in the bath.


After a while you've stopped crying. You've stopped feeling. Slowly but surely you start losing conscience.

Now taking you last breath.


Nat's POV;

Making sure to be quiet when coming home I get upstairs. Peeking into my daughter's room I don't see her. Only the bathroom light is one and the door is not fully closed. As I walk into the bathroom I see her lifeless body.

"Oh my."

As I grab her cold and wet body I sob. "Call 911!!!" I yell hoping there's a phone somewhere that activates calling 911.

But I cry and I cry, knowing it's too late.

"Oh baby why." My voice breaks.


A/n: sorry for this

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 10, 2023 ⏰

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