// oh my //

197 7 2

Tw: eating disorder, starving, fainting

Nat is your pe teacher (ik sorry)


It's last period. You just started PE and it's around 3 pm. You're doing a run test today and you're really not in the mood. Normally you like to run, but you feel sick and faint so everything sucks.

As Miss Romanoff gather's everyone around she tells you all to go for a warm-up. 2 circles around the field running. "Fuck off." You mumble. She looks at you but chooses to ignore it.

"Wait Y/n wait for a bit." Here it comes. "Are you okay?" "What?" You ask confused as you thought she was going to punish you or something. "You look awfully pale." Oh. "Yeh just a bit tired don't worry." You say and then walk away.

You start running and already feel it coming. Running after a long day of school and on an empty stomach, not a good idea. Stopping mid run you fall to the ground losing consciousness.

Romanoff's POV:.

I could tell she wasn't feeling well but I chose to leave her be. When I turn around to look at the teens running I notice Y/n stopping. Before I can even think I see her fall to the ground, the people next to her stopping and running over to her.

I run to Y/n and tell everyone to give us space. I check her pulse and breathing. Fainted okay. "Please get my bag." I ask one of my students. As she comes back, Y/n slowly wakes up. She looks around worried.

"Come'on shows over go back to running." I tell the other students so we have a moment alone. Waiting for them to leave I look at her and as they all left I speak up.

"Here drink something." I hand her a water bottle and she carefully takes it. She takes a deep breath. "Sorry." She mumbles. "You have nothing to be sorry for Y/n."

I grab a lunchbox and take out a Sandwich. "Here eat this." She looks, scared? "Oh I'm not so hungry." "It's better to have something in your system Y/n, when was the last time you ate?"

Something in her face changes. "Like-" she thinks. "I- I don't really know." "What do you mean?" "I think it's a bit longer than just not lunch- or breakfast." Worry shoots in. "Please think Y/n when was the last time you ate, I won't be mad."

"I guess like 2 days ago." She mumbles the last part hoping I wouldn't hear it but I do. "Oh my- Y/n..." "I'm sorry." "Come'on we'll get you inside and we're gonna try and get you to eat something okay?"

She looks at me. "Please?" She sighs and stands up following me to my little office.

"Why haven't you eaten Y/n? I need you to be hounest with me."

3rd person POV:

You stare at her. Somehow feeling safe enough to open up you do so. "It's just- I wanna feel pretty and I'm not so I'm doing something about it."

She looks at you with a sad face. "You're beautiful Y/n. I know it's scary to recover, but it's even scarier not to." You look at her. "How would you know." You say kinda pissed. "I'm sorry I get grumpy." You immediately apoligise. "It's okay. I know, because I almost didn't."

At loss for words you just look at her. "So take it from someone who has been where you are. You can't live a full life on an empty stomach. Okay?" You nod. "I'm gonna hug you now." She says and does so


A/n: didn't know how to end this sorry

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