// all that? //

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-Tw: anorexia/eating disorder/ mention of depression/sh

-nats your mom


"Did you just eat that all?" One sentence. One thing that could ruin someone's life all over again.

It was going alright, you mostly recovered from your eating disorder. It took you a long time but you got there, with help of the right people.

But lately nothing's been going your way. You've been falling back into your depression. And when someone asked you if you really just ate that all you slipped.

Now again avoiding meals whenever you can. Just because of one thing someone said to you. You shouldn't let it affect you like that, but that's just how you work.


Walking with your mom through the busy streets of New York she speaks up. "Let's go to your fav restaurant!" Your heart drops. You dig your nails as deep as you can into your wrists and try to come up with something.

"You know, I haven't been feeling well today. Maybe another time?" She looks suspicious but let's it go. "Come on let's go sit here." She takes a seat on a bench. We talk a bit before she speaks up again.

"Wanna go home and do a movie night?" "Yes." You smile. Standing up you feel faint but try to act normal. "You okay?" Your mom checks. You nod and walk with her back to the compound.

Almost there you start again feeling faint but it doesn't fade this time. The sound of the busy streets start to sound hollow and faint. Your mom turns around and looks at you. "Baby you look awfully pale-"

Before you can tell her what's going on you pass out.


Waking up again now in your bedroom you wake up to your mother's face. "Hey." She smiles softly. Your head hurts. You reach for your head but she grabs your hand. "You hurt it pretty bad, you should let that sit."

I nod and look outside. "Y/n, I'm gonna need you to be hounest with me." You don't response but she continues anyway. She sighs. "Are you skipping meals again baby?" You heart drops and a tear falls down your cheek. "No." "Y/n."

She grabs your chin softly. "I'm sorry." You say as more tears are falling now. "It's just the people at school. Everyone knows I've gained weight. I can't do this again mom."

"You can baby and you will. Remember, difficult roads lead to beautiful places baby. You can do this. I love you." She says and hugs you tight. "You'll get through this."


A/n: I should be asleep and I'm exhausted + recovering from heartstopper. So yeh bye x

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