// just this time //

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-Tw: suicidal thoughts, self-harm

-Natasha is a stranger who you just met.


Walking to your bathroom you search for your oh so familiar bandaid case, only not for bandaids. Instead you are met with a little silver blade

You promised yourself you'd stop. But they're getting too loud. All the thoughts and voices taking over you head.

Soon after the act you notice how it isn't working anymore.

Contemplating what to do now you bandage your wrist and go outside.

It's raining. As the moon makes the sky a little less dark you walk over a bridge. It's a place where you go to, to calm down. It gives you comfort, knowing it's there just in case.

The thoughts are exhausting. You're exhausted. Nothing seems to work anymore. You have unbearable pain each day and no one there who knows. Instead of going out like normal teenagers you plan on how to end your life.

This bridge is your plan. One of many. When it gets too much and you can't look forward anymore.

You're at that point right now. You are not supposed to look back and you can't look forward either. It's hopeless. Everything hurts.

It's dark and no one has driven by yet. It makes you feel like it's meant to be now. It's a sign.

Looking down you notice how far it is. This would work. It would end the pain. It would end all the suffering.

"Hey." Someone speaks up. She startles you and you quickly take a step back. You look at her. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare you. Do you know where I can find a motel?"

Weirded out by the woman you answer anyway. "Yeh around the corner, like 2 blocks from here." "I'm not very familiar here, could you walk with me?"

"I'm not supposed to talk with strangers." "Oh yes ofcourse." She looks sad.

Thinking about it for a good minute you speak up. "You know what, I'll walk with you."

One last good thing you did before it stops.

She smiles. "Thankyou, kid. I'm Natasha by the way." "Y/n."

Halfway to the motel she speaks up. "You shouldn't go back to the bridge. I know you were gonna jump. Whatever you do, don't make a permanent decision for a temporary problem."

You're taken of guard by what she just said, still a tear falls down your cheek. You quickly wipe it. "I wasn't." "Hm." We walk all the way to the motel.

"Will you be okay?" She asks. You take a deep breath. "Yes." She nods. "I hope I'll see you again, Y/n. You're a good kid." Again a single tear slips down you cheek.

You nod and turn around. Walking untill you reach the bridge. Instead of walking on the bridge you think about Natasha. "Don't make a permanent decision for a temporary problem." You sigh and walk past the bridge, going home.

"Just this time." You mumble while looking up to all the beautiful stars.

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