Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Jimin winched from the recoil and dropped the gun. Seojun grabbed his stomach and fell to the ground.

“Holy fuck Jimin!” Taehyung ran over to his cousin, removing his mask. “You fucking shot him!” 

Jimin snatched his mask off. “I panicked! He knew who you were!” 

“Fucking omega bitches,” Seojun grunted out trying to reach for the gun.

“Fuck!” He snatched off Jimin’s glove and picked the gun up before Seojun could get it. Taehyung pressed his lips together as he shot the alpha in the head. His body went limp. “We gotta get outta here now! He’s a fucking mafia boss! Shit! Shit! Shit!” Taehyung grabbed the money from the safe and threw it in the duffle bag. They ran out of the study.

“Seojun? What was that noise?” Hayoon ran down the stairs and gasped. “You! I knew you were trouble!” 

Taehyung didn’t hesitate and shot her in the head, her lifeless body hit the wood where blood spilled from the gunshot wound.

They placed their masks on and ran out of the house.

Taehyung sped from the property, he removed his mask and ran his hand through his hair.

“Fuck, fuck, fuck…” He repeated, gnawing his bottom lip.

Jimin looked at him. “Was it that bad?” 

“Oh Chim, you don’t understand.” Taehyung let out an exhausted sigh. “You don’t know this world, but I do. There’s a lot of people you don’t wanna fuck with and Lee Seojun is at the top of that list. If his men discover we did this, they will chase us down to the end of the earth and kill us. Lee Seojun was a top mafia boss, we gotta disappear for a while…we need some type of protection.” He sighed deeply as he turned on the highway.

His eyes then widened. “Seokjin-nim, if he’s as big as Bogum said then maybe just maybe he could stand up to Seokjun’s men.” 

“Who is Seokjin-nim?”

“He may be our ticket to safety, I’ll figure this out.” 

“Where are we going?” 

“We’re going to Seoul, it’s gonna take us some time to get there so we’ll rest up and lay low in between.” 

“I’m sorry, I made things worse.” Jimin looked down.

“No, I’m not mad at you. We would have had to kill him anyway because he knew who I was. He was more dangerous alive than dead. We have a fifty percent chance of them not being able to track us with his wife and him dead. So just sit back and let me plan this.” 

“We’re in this together. We finally have the freedom we both dreamed of.” Jimin said, taking Taehyung’s hand.

“Yes. No one will ever hurt us again. We’re on the run together.” 

Jimin nodded, wiping the tears from his eyes. He didn't know what awaited them but he was going to do everything in his power to help Taehyung. 


The stifling tension in the room was filled with the smell of cigars. The two alphas sat intently staring at one another. The alpha with the light brown hair and hard brown eyes let out a soft chuckle.

“Ah Seokjin, you sure are a difficult businessman.” He said. 

“Mmm, I don’t believe I’m difficult. I just don’t accept bullshit even when it’s fed to me on a silver platter.” Seokjin replied as the man’s jaw tightened. 

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