Chapter 8

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"Absolutely not! Are you crazy Tae?! I'm not going there?!" Jimin turned away and Taehyung sighed deeply, grabbing his cousin's arm.

"Oh come on Chim! It's your birthday!"

"I know but..."

"We need to celebrate together! We had never celebrated our birthdays before."

"We can still celebrate but I'm not going to a nightclub."

"It's ok Jin owns this club so we'll get to be at the VIP section and not pay for drinks."

Jimin folded his arms. "I wasn't paying anyway because I don't drink!"

"You will tonight." He wrapped his arm around Jimin. "Come on Chim, Hobi Hyung is setting up a nice little party for you. It'll be fun."

Jimin sighed deeply and looked down.

There was a knock on the door and they looked towards the door. Seokjin stood there smiling.

"Hey Jiminie, VV told me you didn't want to come to the club." he walked over to them and Jimin looked down blushing.

"W-W-Well I have never been to one before. But I've heard many horror stories of horny alphas and it scares me."

"Although that is true. You don't have anything to worry about that. My bodyguards are the best and if you get any unwanted attention they'll handle that before you could finish blinking. Also, JK, the others and I will be there tonight, so we'll make sure no one bothers you."

"Okay." Jimin whispered, feeling better.

Seokjin patted his shoulder. "You deserve to have some fun, you work so hard and I have no problems treating you to an amazing night. Hyung is here." He winked.

Jimin smiled and bowed his head. "Thank you Jin Hyung."

Seokjin gave a credit card to Taehyung. "Make sure you get Jimin all he needs for his birthday." he then whispered in the omega's ear. "And for you, you better get something I can slide right off."

Taehyung chuckled. "A corset then?"

"Your mouth is smart." He kissed Taehyung's lips and walked out of the room.

Taehyung turned to Jimin. "Let's have a spa day. And oh you should dye your hair! I know the perfect place!"
"Ugh, I'm gonna freak out. I can't do this." He groaned.

"The first step in stepping into your own skin and is getting your ass out there. So let's go!" Taehyung dragged him out of the room.


Jimin's eyes widened as they walked into the nightclub, he followed closely behind Taehyung as they went upstairs and went into the VIP section.

"Look at you Jimine! You look sexy with orange hair!" Hoseok smiled, running over to them. "Wow, that color really looks good on you!"

"I told him!" Taehyung smiled proudly.

Jimin kept adjusting his clothes. He couldn't understand how Taehyung loved tight fighting clothes. He was Gucci from head to toe, his cousin really did have expensive taste.

The bass of the music vibrated through his body, he looked down at the dance floor and saw everyone dancing. The bar was also packed with people. But it seemed like everyone was having a great time.

He saw a waiter walk over to their area and set up one table with just liquor and the other table with regular beverages.

There was some finger foods on a nearby table and a banner in the back that said Happy Birthday Jimin.

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