Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

After an hour Taehyung and Seokjin came downstairs, showered and changed into new clothes. Seokjin’s stomach growled when he smelt a delicious seafood aroma.

They went into the dining room, Seokjin saw Namjoon, Yoongi and Hoseok sitting at the table laughing with Jungkook.

Taehyung’s eyes widened when he saw Jimin setting the food on the table.

“Chim, you made this?” 

“I did. I hope it’s alright.” He said nervously looking at Seokjin whose eyes beamed at the clams and mussels. The smell was intoxicating.

“If it’s delicious, I won’t complain.” The alpha said, sitting down as he sampled a mussel. His face melted in pleasure. “WHOAH! This is delicious!” He clapped his hands.

“All this seafood, you’re so obsessed, Jin Hyung.” Hoseok laughed. 

“Damn straight. What’s better than seafood?” 

“Meat. Namjoon said, poking his salad.

“No, seafood.” Seokjin looked at him.



“Okay, can you two not?!” Yoongi snapped and they both laughed.

Seokjin then looked at Jimin. “Would you like to be my new chef? Or is this just a hobby thing for you?” 

“No, I love cooking. Can I?” Jimin smiled.

“Hell yeah! This is by far the best seafood I’ve ever had! The seasoning is amazing!” 

“I can’t lie even though I’m not a big seafood eater, this is really delicious.” Hoseok gave him a thumbs up. “By the way you two are just so cute! I’m Hoseok, you guys can call me Hobi.” He smiled.

“I’m Jin Hyung and Jungkook’s cousin, Yoongi.” 

Hoseok wrapped his arms around Yoongi, kissing his cheek. “And he’s my hubby.” 

Yoongi smiled softly as Hoseok kissed his cheek again.

“I’m Namjoon, I’m also their cousin too.” He gave them a small smile.

Jungkook waved. “You guys met me already.” 

Taehyung felt happy, he was already meeting Seokjin’s family. They seemed like good people. He was just nervous about meeting Seokjin’s mother. He wondered if she would believe he was Seokjin’s boyfriend or not.

“You don’t like seafood Jiminie?” Seokjin asked, seeing him stand by the table, watching everyone eat. His cheeks flushed when everyone looked at him.

“I-I-I do.” He meekly replied.

“Come sit, you’re not a servant. Come sit at the table with us.” Seokjin told him. “Enjoy your awesome food.” 

Jungkook moved over and made room for Jimin. He sat across from Taehyung and Jungkook handed him a plate.

“Thank you.” He whispered. He saw Taehyung and Seokjin in their own lover’s world. Maybe this wouldn’t be so bad after all. He decided to put his paranoia to the side and just enjoy everything.


Joonho angrily tossed his cigarette on the ground and stomped on it. “What the fuck?!” He growled.

Minkyu leaned against the black SUV while folding his arms. “Maybe they ditched the car.” 

“Is your family that smart?” Kiwan asked while lighting a cigarette.

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