Chapter 16

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Jimin jumped when he heard a gunshot. Soon more gunshots were heard. He definitely heard them, Jungkook, Taehyung and Seokjin. They were here! He grabbed the knife and cut the ropes from his ankle. If any one of them were dead, he was going to kill Minkyu and Daejung even if he died in the process!

He rounded the corner and stopped short, when he saw Seokjin laying on the ground and Daejung holding his shoulder that was bleeding.

Jungkook was shielding Taehyung as Minkyu was shooting out the window.

"Who the hell is that?" Daejung walked over to him.

"It looks like JoonHo followed them."

"Jin, Jin." Taehyung sobbed.

The alpha looked up at him and mouthed 'I'm ok.'

Jimin crouched down and slid the knife over to Jungkook and Taehyung. They looked over at him in shock as he waved to them. Jungkook grabbed the knife and crawled over to Seokjin, cutting his ropes off.

Joonho kicked the door open. "I'll kill all you bastards!"

"That crazy bastard." Jungkook growled as they hid behind the couch. "At this rate, we can't get out of here. The car is blocked."

"Maybe we can sneak out of a window and just try to go by foot." Seokjin whispered.

"Hand over those omegas and Seokjin!" Joonho demanded.

"Not a chance!" Daejung yelled out as he and Minkyu hid behind a bookshelf. "Those are my preys so fuck off!"

"PoSun, Kiwan do it!" JoonHo walked out of the cabin.

They emptied cans of gasoline at the entrance of the cabin and threw matches down.

"Fuck!" Seokjin growled. He went to the window before seeing JoonHo's men lighting outside the cabin on fire as well. "They surrounded the cabin with fire."

Daejung began laughing as blood ran down his arm. "What a way to end things." He pointed the gun at Seokjin. "I won't let you have the pleasure of dying in your lover's arms. As a matter of fact." He pointed the gun towards Taehyung. "I'll do one even better." He went to shoot just then Minkyu hit him over the head with his gun. Daejung fell over hitting the floor.

"Minkyu?" Jimin said.

The blonde omega sighed deeply, running a hand through his hair. "I seriously thought I had everything under control but somehow my little brother and little cousin just made things even worse."

Minkyu used a chair and burst the window open. "Jungkook, Seokjin, I need Daejung, help me carry him towards the back. A fire department should be here soon."

"What is going on?" Taehyung asked before covering his nose as they moved to the back of the cabin.

Minkyu sighed and pulled out a badge. "I'm part of the Korean National Police Agency's Criminal Investigation Bureau also known as the CIB. I've been working for years to track down drug lords like Kunwoo, Seojun, Daejung and..." He looked at Seokjin before looking away. "But thanks to you two," he then looked at Taehyung and Jimin. "Things have gotten not only complicated but a total mess."

Daejung sprung up, grabbing Minkyu by the throat and slamming him against the wall.

"You bastard! You think you can get the better of me! I won't let any one of you leave alive! We'll all die together!"

Jimin covered his mouth coughing, things were starting to get fuzzy from all the smoke they had been inhaling. He was looking at Seokjin holding Taehyung and using his blazer to cover the omega's nose and mouth. Thinking about their pup suffering from all this smoke, hurt his heart. They all needed to get out alive.

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