Chapter 10

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**Warning Angsty Chapter**

Jungkook walked into his apartment, he looked down at his wedding ring, he never thought this thing would come back and bite him in the ass. He usually wore it to keep annoying omegas away but what was he to do now that he wanted Jimin.

He saw Haneul sitting on the couch holding a coffee cup, his brunette hair was up in a message bun, the dark burgundy t-shirt made his tan skin glow. His light brown eyes moved from the TV and he glared at the alpha.

"So you just feel like you don't have to come home anymore, huh?"

"Aren't you always with your mother anyway?" He removed his blazer and went into the bedroom. Haneul followed him and leaned against the doorframe.

"You assume I was there but you never called to make sure."

"I was busy." He retorted while removing his clothes.

"I don't feel loved!"

He looked at Haneul and scoffed. "Really? Because I was pretty sure for the past three years I made it clear that I didn't love you." He rolled his eyes. "You're being selfish, trying to keep this marriage up."

"You promised me a baby!"

He looked at the omega in shock and confusion as he removed his shirt. "Are you fucking crazy? I'm not having a pup with you! I don't want to be with you so why the fuck would I give you my fucking seed?!"

"You did it before!" He snapped.

"That was when we were fucking but thinking back on it...we've always used a condom. And I find it funny how right after we got married, you lost the baby but never showed any type of paperwork or anything from the doctor! You never even showed a sonogram. You were fourteen weeks as you said so there should've been at least one sono."

He scoffed, shaking his head. "Anything to make yourself feel better huh? I was definitely pregnant by you! And I really had a miscarriage! We've been through this!"

"If you say so, I do feel like you set the trap and played on my mom's values."

"I would never do that!" He cried. "No matter how you feel about me, I really love you!"

He sucked his teeth. "You don't love me, stop the bullshit! You love the life I gave you!!

He shook his head no as Jungkook nodded.

"Yes you do because I purposely treat you like shit and you're still here. Once I put money in your hand then you're fine!" He slipped on a gray t-shirt. "Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. I know your games, sweetheart." He slid on his black sweatpants and went into his study, locking the door.

Hanuel's cell phone buzzed against the glass coffee table. He sat his mug down and answered the phone.

"Hello." He said, sounding cheerful as he stepped on the balcony.

"Hey little cousin, are you alright?"

He smiled. "Hi Joonho Oppa! Yeah, I'm fine. What's up?"

"I'm just checking on you. How's married life?"

"It's great!" He forced a smile on his face. "After some complications, the doctor gave me the clearance to try for a baby. So we're going to start trying in a few weeks." He giggled.

"Oh ok, that's good to hear. Your mother is worried about you, Haneul, because you haven't come to visit her. You could also come and visit us every now and then too. It's been hard since Seojun passed away."

"I know, he was the one who kept us all together. Did you ever find the omegas that killed him?"

"No but we are still searching."

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