Chapter 9

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**Warning Angsty Chapter**

Jungkook stalked into the warehouse and saw his brother sitting at the head of the table, throwing back some rum. He sat next to him. He saw Yoongi and Namjoon sitting with their heads down. This was a serious deal for his brother to call this type of meeting.

He furrowed his eyebrows when he saw Bogum sitting there, if he remembered correctly, he was a grunt who worked with Pub.

After some time Seokjin spoke after he lit his cigar. "I need you all to gather your men and get them on the streets. We gotta find the motherfucker or motherfuckers that did this shit to my old man. If anyone has any extra details on this situation, I need you to tell me immediately."

"It seemed he was either living with or messing with some omegas. There was clothing in a spare room that was too small for him. I couldn't catch the scent because of the decomposing odor but my hunch was that it was definitely an omega or omegas." Yoongi said, lighting a cigarette.

"Any pictures? Any names? Any mail?" Seokjin asked.

"None." Yoongi said.

"We didn't see anything either." Bogum stated.

"Whoever this was probably was living with him or staying there." Yoongi said, "he probably found some omega off the streets and let him stay there when he was fucking him."

Seokjin nodded. "I need this motherfucker found. He may know what happened or he may be the reason why my old man is dead."

Everyone nodded, listening to him.

"Also, let it be known I'm offering half a mil for my old man's killer or killers, I want them brought to me alive, got it? If they are dead ain't no one getting paid. I need them alive!"

Everyone nodded.

"Spread the word all over. Also, I want to welcome Bogum as a new appointed Drug Lord. I feel like he's worked hard and he's earned it.

Bogum deeply bowed his head.

"I will assign you an area and some workers. Welcome."

Seokjin stood up and held his hand out. Bogum smiled and shook his hand.

He couldn't believe this opportunity had happened to him. A mere beta and he was sitting here with the alphas. He would have to work his ass off to prove his place. He vowed to make Seokjin-nim proud no matter what.

Once the meeting was done, everyone left except Jungkook, Yoongi and Namjoon.

"Are you alright?" Jungkook asked.

"I know he was a dick, but I have my code and family must be avenged no matter what. There are no excuses for killing my family. None at all!" He growled.

"I agree." Jungkook nodded. He wondered who the mysterious omega Seokjin's father was messing with was and where he could have gone.


Taehyung sat on Seokjin's back, giving him an oiled massage. Seokjin laid on his stomach in just his gray boxer briefs while smoking his cigar and looking at his cell phone. Bogum headed back to his father's house to give him updates if anything changed.

"Baby, are you okay?" Taehyung asked.

The alpha sighed deeply. "I just found out my father was killed."

"Oh no! I'm so sorry." Taehyung whispered as he rubbed the alpha's board shoulders.

"I have mixed feelings about I'm sad but at the same time I'm not. I'm angry but I'm not. I just don't know how to feel right now." He sighed.

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