Chapter 14

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Jimin knocked on Jungkook’s apartment door. The door opened and Jimin walked inside. He turned around when he didn’t smell Jungkook’s scent and his eyes widened when he saw Haneul standing there.

“What are you doing here?” 

“I was the one that asked you to come. You would think that Jungkook would put a lock on his phone but he can be stupid sometimes.” He chuckled, shutting the door. “My mafia cousins are on their way here to get rid of you.” He got in Jimin’s face. “I will never divorce Jungkook! He’s mine forever, especially since we have a pup on the way.” 

“He said it’s not his.” 

“It’s very much his! Between me and you since you’re going to die anyway, I slipped him an aphrodisiac that triggered a minor knot. He was in dreamland and now that I think about it, he kept saying Jiminie so I guess he was imagining you. But whatever, I got my pup now.” He patted his belly.

Jimin’s stomach knotted as rage filled his body. “You’re fucking crazy!” 

Haneul shrugged. “It’s a cold world out there and only the smartest survive.” He pulled out a knife when Jimin stepped towards him. “Sit down.” 

Jimin gripped his fists but sat down on the chair.

Haneul’s cell phone rang. “Hello JoonHo Hyung, I’m here with him now at the apartment.” 

Jimin’s mind began racing. What would Taehyung do in this situation? Of course, he would do anything to survive. But Haneul was pregnant and it felt wrong to harm the omega. But Haneul was going to harm him without any questions asked. He looked at the knife in the omega’s hand. He had to time everything just right.

When Haneul turned away from the door, Jimin bolted towards the door but saw the top lock was latched. Before he could undo it, Haneul charged at him and Jimin caught the omega’s wrist before the knife could strike him. He began to overpower Haneul until the omega kneed him in the groin. Jimin doubled over in pain and hit the ground.

“You pathetic piece of shit!” He kicked Jimin in the stomach. “I guess I’ll get the party started and they can finish.” He held the knife over his head and Jimin rolled out the way just missing the knife.

Haneul came at him again. Jimin grabbed a wooden statue from the end table and swung it as hard as he could, hitting Haneul in the head. The omega’s body hit the floor with a hard thud.

Jimin slowly stood up and his eyes widened when a pool of blood spilled from Haneul’s head.

“Fuck. No. No.” He covered his mouth. This wasn’t happening! He grabbed the wooden statue and bolted out of the apartment. He tossed the statue in the dumpster and got in the car, driving off. He was going to be sick.

The door to the apartment opened and JooHo gasped when he saw Haneul on the floor lying in blood. He lifted the omega’s head and checked for a pulse.

“Is he ok?” Kiwan asked.

“There’s no pulse.” JoonHo whispered.

“What?!” PoSun gasped. “Was this Haneul’s place?” 

JoonHo closed his cousin’s eyes and saw mail on the kitchen counter. He grabbed an envelope and his blood boiled. “Jeon Jungkook? That’s Seokjin’s brother. I think we need to have another conversation with Seokjin. Too many of our family members are getting killed.” 


Jimin ran into the house passing Taehyung who was in the kitchen. He rushed into the bathroom, throwing up. Taehyung ran to him, rubbing his back.

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