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~Four Years Later~

Taehyung stirred from his sleep when he felt weight on his chest. He felt little fingers trying to pry one of his eyes open.

"Papa are you asleep?"

"Ah Hyeono, why are you waking me up so early?" Taehyung groaned, turning over.

"It's Papa's big day! Appa said you were...you were gaduating? Ga-ah-du-ating?"

Taehyung chuckled as he opened one eye, seeing his son struggle to remember the word.


"Graduating." He repeated happily. "Yay! Papa is graduating today! What does that mean?"

Taehyung sat up, scratching his head. "It means that Papa finished school."

"Will I graduate when I finish school?"

Taehyung took the small child in his lap and cuddled him. "Yes you will."

"Hyeo-yah, did you wake up Papa?" Seokjin asked, walking into the room, he smiled seeing them cuddled together. "Are you planning on being late for your own graduation?"

Taehyung then covered Hyeono's ears. "If you didn't keep me up all night I wouldn't be so sleepy."

Seokjin chuckled as he slid on his button up shirt. "If you didn't respond so well to my advances I would've had no choice but to stop."

"Creep." Taehyung glared at him as the alpha laughed. "Hyeonie, why don't you make sure Grandma is up and ready?"

"Ok!" He jumped off the bed, skipping out the room.

Seokjin then leaned on the bed, kissing Taehyung's cheek. "It makes me sad I can't take you right now."

Taehyung mushed the alpha's face away. "Hold your knot lover boy, we're going on a five day vacation, I'll let you have your way then."

Seokjin smiled and kissed Taehyung's lips. "Did you pack everything?"
"Yup, our bags are packed and in the closet, it'll be nice to have a small getaway."
"I agree but first you need to get on the stage and get your diploma. You worked hard for it."

Taehyung smiled, wrapping his arms around Seokjin pressing their foreheads together. "I couldn't have done it without you."


Jimin smiled and waved at Seokjin, Hyeono and Chohee as he and Jungkook sat down.

"Uncle Chim! Uncle Kooky!" Hyeono ran over and hugged them. Jimin set Hyeono on his lap.

"You're getting so big Hyeon-ah. I don't know what to do with you." Jimin hugged him tightly, making the little boy giggle.

"We're not late are we?"

Jimin smiled looking at Minkyu, Namjoon, Yoongi and Hoseok.

"Nope, we just got here too." Jimin said as Minkyu sat next to him. Hyeono gave Minkyu a hug.

"You're so happy Hyeon-ah, I love it."

"Yep! Is the pup coming soon Uncle Min?" He asked, touching Minkyu's round belly. "Soon but we still have some time until she comes."

"I can't wait to meet her."

"You'll be the best big cousin to her." Minkyu smiled, rubbing his head.

"Yes! Also Papa is gr-gr-graduating today!"

"Yes he is. It was a long road to get him here."

Jimin chuckled. "Well, Taehyung definitely tried skipping out on classes a lot and Jin Hyung froze the bank card and said no shopping until he got his grades up. Miraculously Tae is graduating with a 4.0"

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