Chapter 7

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Jimin forced a smile on his face. “Nice, how long?” 

“Three years I guess.” Jungkook shrugged. 

Jimin’s eyes widened. “You’re the same age as me, right? Why so young?” 

He shrugged again with a long sigh. “I guess you can say it was an impulsive move…” 

Jimin nodded. “Well as long as you’re happy.” 

“Hmm maybe. He can be difficult sometimes.” 

Jimin nodded and looked down.

“I gotta run, I’ll come by and poke fun at you tomorrow, Jimin-ssi.” He gently poked the omega’s forehead.

He chuckled swatting the alpha’s hand away.

“Be nice to me!” 

“Of course, I won’t.” He winked and left.

Jimin sighed deeply. Of course, he wouldn’t be single! Jimin had to distance himself from the alpha to avoid catching any feelings that could ruin their friendship. Even if Jungkook had an interest in him, he didn’t want any part of that. Adultery and cheating was a big-time sin. He threw himself into work.


Taehyung stood in the mirror fixing his hair, he decided to wear his freshly dyed dark blonde hair wavy. He tucked his pastel yellow short sleeve polo into his white shorts that stopped a little above his knees. He knelt down and tied his white tennis sneakers and placed his yellow shades on top of his head. He slipped his diamond tennis bracelet on and put on his new diamond dangling earring that Seokjin got him.

“VV, which shirt, red or blue?”  The alpha asked.

“Neither.” Taehyung said, turning to Seokjin’s side of the closet. He pulled out a lavender colored button up.


“It’ll look really good on you with your black jeans.” 

“You always make sure I look good so I trust your judgment.” He took the shirt from Taehyung and kissed his lips before taking in the omega’s appearance who was in the mirror fixing his make up.

He kissed Taehyung’s neck, making him giggle. “We may end up late to the barbeque with you looking this good.” 

Taehyung turned to face him and began buttoning the alpha’s shirt. “Can we not let your family know we were in here fucking?” 

Seokjin laughed and kissed his lips. “Fine. I’ll behave for now. But do you remember the story of how we met?” 

“Yup, that’s easy enough. We met at your nightclub a year ago.” 

“How many brothers do I have?”

“Only Jungkook Hyung.” 

He nodded. “You have a good memory.” 

“Of course I do. I just don’t have a pretty face.” he winked, fluffed out his hair. Seokjin eyed up and down. 

“You got a nice body too.” 

“Just for you.” 

Seokjin’s cell phone rang. “Hey Eomma, are you here?” He nodded. “Okay, I’m coming now. Bye.” He slid his phone in his pocket. “Ready?” 

“Let’s show off our acting skills.” Taehyung unbuttoned Seokjin’s first two buttons and slid the alpha’s black shades on.

“I know we’re not acting in the bedroom though.” 

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