Chapter 17

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Taehyung got out of the car and ran towards Seokjin who held his arms out.

"Jin!" The omega cried as Seokjin held him tightly, Taehyung cried burying his face in the alpha's shirt, wanting to catch whiff of his scent.

"Are you ok?" Seokjin placed his hand on the omega's stomach. "I've been worried since you've been in the hospital."

"I was released yesterday. Everything is good. The pup is ok." Taehyung reached his pocket and pulled out an ultrasound picture.

Seokjin held it in his arms, staring at it. "Our pup is so beautiful already, just like his Papa." He kissed Taeyung's temple.

Someone clearing their throat behind them caught their attention. They saw Minkyu standing there.

"Sorry to interrupt your reunion but we need to get him back to his house so we can set up the ankle monitor."

"Hyung, you're doing it?" Taehyung asked.

"I'm not really supposed to but I told my team I'll see it through to the end. He can ride with you and I'll follow behind you guys."

They nodded and got in the car.


Jungkook watched as Jimin darted around the kitchen, grabbing plates, cups, utensils as well checking the food.

"Jimin, slow down, you've been busy cooking all morning."

"Well I know Jin Hyung is coming back today so I wanted to make a great meal prepared for him."

"But it's been since early this morning. You literally leaped out of the bed, got dressed and been in here ever since."

Jimin looked at Jungkook and saw the alpha pouting. Jimin smiled and cupped his face before planting a soft kiss on his lips.

"I'm sorry for not paying you attention. When this is all over, I'm all yours."

Jungkook then wrapped his arm around the omega's waist, kissing his lips again.

"But you can be mine, right now."

"Not here, anyone could walk in at any moment."

"Isn't that the fun part?" He kissed Jimin's lips again, sliding his hands under Jimin's shirt as he pushed the omega against the counter.

"You would think he's a newly presented alpha going through a rut."

"Poor Jiminie, he has to deal with this."

They looked at the door and saw Yoongi and Namjoon standing there. He sighed deeply when Jimin pushed him off.

"See I told you we would get caught! Go set the table, you're distracting me!" Jimin pushed him out of the kitchen.

They saw a dark cloud over Jungkook as he set up the table.

"He got in trouble." Namjoon whispered.

"Because he was trying to devour his omega in the kitchen like a wild beast." Yoongi whispered back and Jungkook glared at them.

Just then the door opened and Taehyung, Seokjin and Minkyu walked in.

"Oh you guys are back." Hoseok smiled.

"Yeah, I have to get my anklet put on." Seokjin said as they headed to the living room.

Minkyu set up the anklet and placed it on Seokjin.

"As you know you can't leave the premises but you can go around the perimeter of your house. I turned off the voice monitor so you don't have to worry about it. You can shower as regularly, I would say if you choose to take a bath, keep that leg out of the water. You will have an in-house visit every month."

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