Chapter 4

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If there was anything Taehyung was grateful for while living in hell was how it turned him to the streets. He knew the exact kind of people he needed to find. From a mile away, he was always able to tell who had the golden dick or golden pussy just by how they carried themselves.

He heard a rumor that Seokjin-nim owned a club called Trillion, he didn’t know if he would be there or not but it never hurt to try. The bouncer winked at him and let him inside immediately. He ignored the looks of the lustful alphas and betas.

He stood at the bar and ordered himself a drink. He sipped his drink and scoped out the club. He knew directly asking about Seokjin-nim would get him in trouble, so he had to play it cool using his ears and eyes. 


Just Dance blasted on the speakers and everyone began dancing. Seokjin looked down at the dance floor from the VIP area on the second floor. He was happy that his club was successful, it was the easiest place to do business of all types. He sipped his drink as his cousin Namjoon looked at him.

“You know you gotta present some guy to your mom in like a week, right?” 

“I know, I know.” He sighed.

“And you’re being picky.” 

“Well, I gotta do it correctly. I have to actually like him too.” 

“Just use Sohyon’s ass.” His cousin Yoongi said, sipping his drink.

“Fuck no! You must want me to go to jail for beating his annoying ass. He’s so fucking irritating and Eomma can’t stand his ass anyway.” 

They all laughed as Seokjin sipped his drink.

“I need someone young, vibrant and naive so I can mold him into what I want and run all over him. Most young omegas jump at the sight of cash.” 

“You’re horrible Hyung.” Jungkook laughed.

“I’m not ashamed.” He stood up and leaned on the banister looking around. His eyes then landed on a blonde haired beauty. His eyes roamed over the omega’s body. His eyes lit up when he saw him blatantly ignoring the alphas and betas that came to talk to him.

“You see someone?” Namjoon asked, walking over.

“Yup, see that blonde omega with the gold shirt?” 

“Oh yeah, I saw him when he came in. Everyone was staring at him. He’s probably easy.” Yoongi said.

Seokjin shook his head no. “Trust me, he’s not easy. Omegas who are easy walk around throwing their pheromones around. But he knows exactly who he wants attention from.” 

“And who’s that?” Jungkook asked, pouring himself a drink.

“Someone with big dick energy.” He smirked, fixing his blazer, he turned to the red-haired omega sitting on Yoongi’s lap. “Hoseokie, can you bring that omega to me?” 

“On it.” He got up and laughed when Yoongi gave his butt a squeeze. 


Taehyung turned his face up at everyone that approached him. He was called stuck up and a knot-tease but he didn’t care. Sadly, he was called worse so those words didn’t hurt him. He moved his head to the music.

“Hello.” Hoseok approached him and Taehyung looked at him. He was stunned at how handsome the omega was. From his energy, Taehyung knew he belonged to the golden dick club.

“Hey.” Taehyung smiled.

“Listen, can you come with me, there’s someone on the VIP floor who wants to meet you.” 

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