Chapter 5

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They arrived at a high-end store and Seokjin told Taehyung to pick out whatever he wanted. Taehyung’s eyes danced around the store. This was like a dream come true, he always fantasized about himself being in one of these stores and picking out everything he had liked.

He grabbed a white button-up shirt, red slacks and a belt. He went into the fitting room and changed. He smiled knowing the clothes would fit him the way he imagined. He fluffed out his hair and stepped back to get a full view.

Confident with his appearance, he walked out the fitting room and Seokjin almost dropped his cigar when he looked at the omega. 

“You like it? I feel a little self-conscious…like my body isn’t right for this outfit.” He played a little innocent while looking at his butt but he really wanted to give the alpha more of a view.

“Your body isn’t right for this outfit?” Seokjin scoffed. “Do you see what I see? You could wear anything you want, including me.” 

They both laughed and Taehyung turned back to the mirror, smoothing out his hair. He watched as Seokjin went to pay for the outfit and smiled.


They arrived at a fancy restaurant, the soft blue lights against the black building gave it an elegant vibe. Seokjin took Taehyung’s hand and they walked inside. 

The walls were a dark oak and the lights were dim with a romantic atmosphere. Each booth gave enough privacy for each customer. 

Seokjin said his name and the host sat them down towards the back. Seokjin stood until Taehyung slid inside. The omega shifted in his seat, he wasn’t used to an alpha with such manners.

“This place has some of the best seafood selections here, it’s just amazing.” 

Taehyung smiled. “Is seafood your favorite?” 

Seokjin looked at him. “Guilty.” 

“Which is your favorite dish?” 

“I don’t have a favorite dish, in particular, I could never choose.” 

Taehyung smiled. Seokjin looked happy talking about food, so he definitely was a foodie.

The waiter came and Seokjin ordered a bottle of white wine. Taehyung looked around, this place was so luxurious. He had dealt with plenty of alphas who had money but none of them ever treated him to such a fancy place. 

“Are you nervous?” 

Taehyung cleared his throat. “A bit, I never went on a date before.” He admitted sheepishly.

Seokjin furrowed his eyebrows. “Why not?” He noticed the omega’s expression of sadness until he forced a smile.

“I never had the time.” He answered with a carefree shrug.

He didn’t think that was the real reason but he decided to leave it at that. It wasn’t his business.

“Well, now you can say you’ve been on plenty of dates. This is just the beginning.” 

“Thank you.” Taehyung looked down at his lap.

“So I told my mom we’ve been together for almost a year. So there are basic things we need to know about each other.” 

Taehyung nodded.

“My birthday is December 4th and I’ll be twenty-nine.” 

“Really? My birthday is December 30th and I’ll be twenty-two.” 

Seokjin smiled. “So we’re December buddies, huh?” 

“It seems that way.” 

“I wonder how compatible we are…I’ve heard some good things about Capricorns.” 

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