Flower Crowns

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You woke up in a box unsure of what was happening. You found yourself in a corner of that cage like thing.

"W-where am I?" You asked yourself.

The box reached the top and you saw light. You shut your eyes and tried to get adjusted to it. When you opened them you saw a bunch of boys looking down at you.

One boy jumped down and came face to face with you. He leaned in closer to you, making you shrink into your corner. "It's a girl." He said.

"u-um... Yes. Yes I am." You smiled nervously.

"My name is Gally? Do you remember yours?"

"(y/n)." You said happily.

Gally took your hand and helped you out of the hole. You were careful to cover yourself since you were wearing a dress and didn't want any panty shots on your first day.

When you got up all eyes were on you. "H-hi." You looked at them nervously and smiled. "My name is (y/n)." You looked around feeling a little out numbered.

It was quiet for a second then you were bombarded with names. You giggled a bit. "Alright, alright. Give the girl some space." Another boy said walking up to me and trying to push away some more eager boys. "My name is Newt by the way." He smiled at you.

" A pleasure to meet you." You held out your hand, trying to remember manners.

He shook it. "Please, the pleasure is mine." He smiled.

You were greeted by everyone and was showed around by Alby. He taught you the rules and such as, then set you off on your own.

You sat quietly in a field holding flower in your hands. Then Gally walked up and sat next to you. Not many things turned him soft but there was something about you that made him feel odd.

"What are you doing?" He asked.

"Making you something." You smiled innocently. He tried to peer over you to see what it was. "Ah, ah, ahhhh." You said in a sight song voice. "Give it a second."

He crossed his arms.

"Close your eyes." You smiled.

He did as you said. You placed a small daisy on his head. "Open." You smiled, proud of your work.

Gally opened his eyes and tried to look up to see what was on his head. "What is it?" He asked you as he pulled it off his head.

You took it from his hands. "It's a flower crown." You smiled and put it back on his head.

"Thats really cute (y/n)." Newt said while sitting in between you and Gally. Making Gally quite jealous if I might add.

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