dead grievers

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'Your prov'

"You can't leave!" A woman in a lad jacket yelled at me.

I looked around. Everything is chrome and shiny. I don't recognize this place but it feel like I've been here the entire the time.

I looked around at a sea of faces. They all stared at me. I knew none of them, but I did recognize someone. Thomas.

I tried to call out for him but I couldn't. "They need me!" Is what I said instead.

I turned around a ran. When I looked back they were a hundred miles away, only silhouette behind a bright light. When I turned back around I was in water. I tried scream but water filled my lungs and I was suspended in wires and tubes. I pounded my fists on the glass in front of me and cried for help. Faces looked at me as they passed. Even a blonde boy who also seemed familiar but I couldn't put a name on him.

Thomas walked by but he stopped and looked at me.

"Help me Thomas! Please help me!" I screamed at him.

"I'm sorry (y/n)." He said before walking away from me.

The woman in the lab coat ran to me. "Are you okay?" She looked at me strangely.

"What?" I looked back at her. Her face started to change its form into something nonhuman. I tried to scream but I was to scared to make a noise.

"Stop it (y/n)!" It screamed at me. She pushed her hands past the glass and grabbed my arms and started to shake me violently.

"Stop! Get off me!" I struggled at get away from her.

"Wake up! (y/n) wake up!" I screamed at me repeatedly.

I closed my eyes shut, but she kept screaming. Her voices turned into many like a crowed of people yelling at me.

When I opened my eyes I was blinded by a bright light. I gasped for air like I had never had it before. I feel off of something and her grip let go of me. I hit the floor hard as I started coughing and crying at the same time.

"(y/n), are you okay?" Someone garbed my arm again.

"No! No!" As they started to pull me up and I thrashed about trying to get free from their grip.

"It's me! Gally!" He spoke. I opened my eyes to see Gally holding my arm and a crowd of worried familiar faces looking at me. "It's alright (y/n), you were just having a bad dream." He said calmly.

I started crying violently again. My legs collapsed and Gally caught me and held me.


You sat in the med-jack hut with Clint and Jeff.

"Must have been some dream you were having." Clint said as he wrapped your hands. At some point or another you had gripped your hands so tight you dug your fingernails into your palm.

"It wasn't a dream, it was a nightmare." You said blatantly.

"How do you feel?" Jeff asked you.

"Fine." You said as you took your hand away from Clint after he finished. "I'm going to go get fresh air." You said as you walked out the door.

The air was nice and cool. You took in the warmth for a bit before walking to the homestead. It was already past breakfast time but you were hungry and you figured Frypan wouldn't mind if you had a quick snack.

"Morning." You said to the cook was you walked into the kitchen.

"It's noon now (y/n)." He said happily as usual. "I heard you had quiet a nasty nightmare."

"I did." You said as you opened the fridge.

"What was it about if you don't mind sharing."

You took a sandwich out of the fridge and noticed other cooks had stopped what they are doing, interested if you were going to speak. 

You sighed. "I was in this weird place." You sat down on a stole that was on an island table. "Everything was silver and shiny." Basically everyone in ear-shot distance had stopped their tasks to listen in.

"There was a woman who was trying to stop me from doing something." You tried to recall what was happening. Thomas's face went by i your memory. But you didn't share that detail. Thomas was already being suspected for the Teresa incident, saying he was in your weird dream wouldn't help him out.

"What were you trying to do?" Fry asked.

"I don't know. I was trying to help somebody I think. I said: 'They need me.' After that I was in water and people were looking at me. The same woman started to yell at me then I woke up."

Frypan was about to say something when you heard a small commotion. Alby was in the kitchen.

"What do you need?" Frypan asked him.

"Water, Minho is back." He said plainly.

Out of curiosity you walked out of the homestead to see Minho bent over with Thomas next to him. You ran out to them to see what was going on.

"What's  up Minny?" You asked.

Both Minho and Thomas turned around to see you. "Hey beautiful!" He said with a smile. "What happened to your hands?" HE asked.

You looked down at them and remembered. "Oh, it's a long story. I had a bad dream, that's all." You smiled.

Alby came back with water and handed it to Minho. Who drank it all in a few gulps.

"Okay," Alby said. "out with it. What happened?"

Minho raised an eyebrow and looked to you and Thomas.

"There fine." Alby replied. "I don't care what the shanks hear. Just talk!"

Minho leaned against the wall. "I found a dead one."

"Huh?" Alby asked. "A dead what?"

"A dead Griever."

You stood around talking about it for a bit. You got excited. This could mean a way out. You wanted to talk more but you were requested back into med-jack duties. Despite the nightmare you had, today was a turning out to be a good day.

You talked to Teresa after Jeff and Clint went on a break. She didn't talk back of course but you felt like she was listening so you did anyways. You stayed up late cleaning up the med-jack hut that night. You didn't want to go to sleep because you were scared of having another bad dream.

But you ended up falling a sleep anyways.

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