farewell for a few hours

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You had been in charge of cleaning Teresa since you were a girl. She was beautiful and you couldn't wait til she woke up. Being the only girl was a drag. Jeff was your BBF but you were sure what ever he had couldn't compare to what its like to talk to another girl.

You washed her hair, changed her clothes and put her back down to enjoy her coma. Afterwards you took a nice walk while Jeff held down the fort and Clint was off doing what ever Clint does.

You felt odd today. Like something was going to happen. Alby did go into the maze, but he had Minho with him so he should be fine.

You walked around the glade, making sure everything was in place and people had what they needed. Everything seemed fine but you couldn't shake off the feeling.

It wasn't until latter did things go wrong. The sky was turning dark, all of the runners were back but Minho. Alby wasn't back either.

Gladers gathered around the north door and waited.

"They should be back by now." Newt said.

"What happens if they don't make it?" Thomas asked.

"Then they don't make it." You said as you scanned the only bit of the maze you could see.

"Nobody lives through a night in the maze." Chuck added.

"We can't just stand here! Can't we send a search part or something?" Thomas was getting  angry.

"No, we're not aloud in the maze." Newt told him.

Everyone looked worried and stood crowded around the door.

"Look!" Thomas pointed to around the corner of the maze. Minho was carrying Alby.

People started cheering for them, saying they could make it. The grinding noise was in the air as the doors were slowly closing. They told Minho to leave Alby but he was still trying to make it

"He's not going to make it." Newt said.
Minho was almost at the end of his rope as the door were almost closed. Thomas bolted towards them.

"Thomas no!" You tried to stop him. Your grabbed his arm but this kids was definitely stronger than he looked. You tripped over yourself as Thomas ran, but you still had a hold on him. You were now half way into the maze.

It felt like time slowed down. You were about to be crushed between the walls if you didn't run. It was too late to turn around so you had to go forward.

You landed on the cold ground. You looked up to see Thomas standing close to you and Minho bent over catching his breath and Alby laid down next to him.

"Good job greenie, you just killed yourself." Minho said. He rolled his head over to you then back at Thomas. "And you managed to bring down the only girl in the glade who's not in coma with you."

"I didn't mean too, she's the one who grabbed onto me." Thomas defended himself.

"Yeah but you were the one running Shuck face. She tried to save you!" Minho started defending you.

You had your legs tucked into your chest and you gently cried. Sure life in the glade wasn't perfect, but it was nice. You saw your friend everyday and laughed hours away with them. You didn't want to die.

"(y/n), its okay. We will get out of here." Thomas tried to reinsure you.

Minho replied with another insult and telling him that they will for sure die. They weren't back to arguing.

You slowly crawled to Alby who was knocked out. Being a med-jack you stared to go over everything in your head.

A griever sting to the chest, sufficient blow to the head, a blunt object. Possible minor concussion. Needs head wrap, cleaning alcohol, and the serum.

You went over the mark on his head again then turned around. "Minho... What did you do to him?"

"What had to be done. Don't look at me like that! The shank went crazy, he tried to kill me!" Minho crossed his arms. "Whatever. We have to go." He started walking.

"Wait! We can't just leave him here." Thomas protested.

"We have to. He's dead weight, plus hes dead anyways." Minho was having none of what the greenie was saying. "You can stay here but I'm going, (y/n) what are going to do?"

You felt completely torn. Alby had a right to his life and we should at least try, but at the same time you knew none of you are going to live past this but unfortunately leaving Alby behind was boost your chances of survival by a lot.

"I... I don't know." You pulled your knees to your chest and tried thinking more.

You could see the displeasure on Minho's face as he wanted you to live though this. "Well, I'm going." He started walking away.

"Minho wait!" You called for him and he stopped. "We have to stick together." You quickly scrambled to your feet.

"She's right." Thomas agreed.

"We hide Alby, then we run." You declared.

Minho stopped for a second before some what unwillingly agreed with you. With a few close encounters with slug monsters you finally found a place for Alby. He was wrapped around vines and hung from the wall.

Minho was ready to split the moment Alby was way up high. You had little trouble keeping up with the boys but at some point you faced a dead end.

"Minho I thought you knew the maze?!" Thomas yelled at the runner.

"The maze moves shuck-face!" Minho garbed Thomas by his collar and pushed him into the wall.

You felt obligated to stop them but you felt something. Nothing physical but as presents if you will. You arched your back and goosebumps chilled your body. You turned around to see the people eat itself. "Guys." You said in a whisper for fright as you were about to have a Mexican standoff with this griever.

They both looked down the concrete hallway to see the worse most mutation of a maniacal animal.

"Klunk." Minho said aloud. "Any plans?" You asked you and Tommy.

"Why would we have a plan, you're the plan guy!" Thomas spouted back angrily as they got into it again.

You felt almost a rush of courage. "I got a plan." The griever was already approaching so you knew you had to be quick. The boys were ready to do as you said. "When I say 'run', run." You said.

They nodded. The griever stopped running and rolled into a ball. "Run!" You bolted forward with out second though and they boys were far behind. The griever crashed into the dead end, it quickly got up and stated to run towards you guys. Must faster than your first though the Griever was close to caught up. You felt the energy drain from you and your legs trier.

Before you knew it you were on the ground. You landed on your chest you wanted to scream but nothing came out, the wind got knocked out of you. You rolled over onto your back you realized your ears were ringing, you could echos of the boys calling to you. The Griever was right on you as a mechanical arm each out to you.

You couldn't move as it picked you up as you could then star screaming. You hung upside down as you saw Minho and Thomas run to you then it went dark.

A/N: Sorry i haven't updated for a long time!

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