Return to Neverland

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You gasped for air. Your body lunged upwards. Your eras rung and your eyes went wide. You groaned loudly as you had an aching head. "Oh my god." You winced. "Jesus H Christ." You pulled the breathing tubes out of your nose. You looked around the room but no one was here. You swung your legs over the bed but you felt a tugging. You reached just above your right ear there was a shaved spot and two wires running through it.

"Ahhhh..." You cringed a little bit as you pulled them out. You waddled over too the door but it was locked. You figured you could smash it with something. 'I can hardly stand, how am I supposed to smash a door.' You though.

You looked around again. There was  window. Its was foggy and tinted white so you couldn't look through it.

"Shuck." You mumbled out. You looked for a way to break it. Your bed. It had wheels you could just ram it repeatedly. You went back to the bed and pushed it away from the machines pulling out a few cords that came with it.

You went behind it and pushed it into the window repeatedly. Nothing happened. You sighed and sat down next to it, tiered. Then looked up and the TV the used to hand above bed. You got an idea. You pushed the bed back to where it used to bed and climbed on top of it.

You fiddled with the TV and tried to push it off. When you did it slammed onto your bed almost hitting your feet. You jumped off the bed and got behind it again. You pushed it harder this time. as the bed collided with the window the TV flew forward and crashed past the glass.

You smiled in successes. "Yes." You looked through the window and saw no one. 'It must be a trap.' You thought. But you went through with it. You slipped on your way out and you felt sharp pain in your left arm. "Ahhh!!" You stood up and looked at your arm. Shards of glass stuck out. "Nope, nope!" You climbed back into the medical room, more carefully this time.

You looked at the silver tray and took out large tweezers. You took out the large pieces first, then the smaller ones that dug deep into your skin. After that was done you looked around for cleaning supersize. A bottle of hydrogen peroxide would do the trick. You found it in a brow bottle. You took the cap off with your mouth and took a deep breath in. You tried slowly poring it out but with a shaky hand it all slipped out onto the cut. You tried not screaming but it hurt so bad.

You took the needle from the try and found long black wire thread. You got flash backs too Winston. "C'mon (y/n). You got this." You stabbed the needle into your flesh and pulled through the thread. You cried quietly and kept going. Twenty stitches latter you were done. You wrapped it and ran out of the room again.

You sprinted down the hallway. As fast as you could.


You stopped. "Hello?" You turned around but saw no one. "HELLO?!" You screamed out.

"(y/n)? Hello?"

The voice sounded worried.

"Where are you (y/n)?"

You felt panicked. It was a familiar voice. Maybe Thomas's or Jeff's.

"I"m here!" You spined around looking for him.

"(Y/N)! Help us! (y/n) please!"

The voice sounded in pain. Then you released the voice was in your head. So you kept running. "Shut up!"

"Please help us!"

It was mocking you now.

"You could have helped us!"

You kept running down hallways, pasted hanging lights and closed doors.

"(y/n)." That voice was real. It was a woman's. It was Ava Page's voice.

You whipped around and saw her.

"You remember now don't you?" She asked and walked towards you.

You do remember. You were a volunteer, with your brother. Ben. "Oh Ben." You whimpered out. The other maze, Aris, WICKED it was all true. All known. You knew now. Why you were here, how you got here and why you left. Aris was your cellmate and partner. When you snooped around and found out about maze A you freaked out. They boys. You felt so bad for them. You kept telling Ava that they needed you and that you had to help them. You got nightmares of them screaming for you. So you went to the box, erased your own memories and sent yourself up.

"Yes." You felt hatred and love for her.

"Good. Now come with me."

~Sometime latter~

She told you about everything, what you were doing why and whatnot. You agreed. With the world ending you had to take extreme measures. You sat at a table with her a drank tea. 

"I'm surprised you got out of the room." She said.

"So am I, but at the cost of my arm." You laughed lightly.

"You were able sew it yourself. You were a doctor in maze A, correct?" She asked.

"No. I was a Med-Jack in the Glade." You said proudly. "Speaking of which..." You trailed off. "I need to go back." You put your cup down.

You raised an eyebrow at you. "Really."

"I know it sounds stupid but they need me." You pleaded.

"If we send you back down you will have no memories of us or them." She told you strictly.

"I know. I'll figure it out, create new memories." You begged her. "It's not like you need me anymore."

She smiled down at you like a mother. "If it's what you really want." She placed a hand on your cheek.

"Yes. More than anything." You put your hands over hers.

"All right." She smiled. You smiled gratefully back.

A/N: really fucking short but it was soon so be grateful ya lil' shit

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